简介 A Brief Introduction
本起重机根据GB3836.1-2000《爆炸性气体环境用防爆电气设备 部分
:通用要求》 及GB3836.2-2000 《爆炸性气体环境用防爆电气设备
第二部分 :隔爆型 “d”
》的规定,电机 、电器为隔爆型 ,防爆级别为ExdIICT4时,运行机机构进行防火花处理。整机符合JB/T10219-2001 《防爆梁式起重机 》的规定 ,防爆等级分别为ExdIIBT4、ExdIIBT4 .具有结构合理、外形美观 、防爆性强的特点 。整机与HB 、BCD型防爆电动葫芦配套使用
。其最大起重量为63t。防爆梁式起重机共有三种形式:1、LXB防爆电动单梁悬挂起重机。2、LB防爆电动单梁起重机。3、LHB防爆电动葫芦桥式起重机。工作级别为A3-A4,工作环境温度为-25℃-40℃ 。

According to GB3836.1-2000 《explosive gas atmosphere use explosion-proof
electric equipment Part 1:common requirements 》and
GB3836.2-2000《explosive gas atmosphere use explosion-proof
electric equipment Part 2:flameproof typed》,motor and electrical appliances of this crane are explosion proof
type 。When explosion proof grade is ExdII CT4,travelling mechanism should do spark proof treatment 。The whole machine meets standards of JB/T10219-2001《Specification for explosion-proof cranes with electric wire rope
hoist》,explosion proof grade have ExdII CT4 and
ExdIICT4 two kinds It can be used together with HB BCD type explosion proof electric hoist Its
max lifting capacity is 63t and has three types :1 LXB explosion
proof electric single girder suspension crane 。2 LB explosion proof electric single girder
crane 。3 LHB
type explosion proof electric hoist double girder crane 。The working class is A3-A4,working environment
temperature is -25℃-40℃。
本起重机适用于工厂内具有防爆级别不高于B级或C级,引燃温度组别不低于T4(135℃)组的可燃性气性 ,蒸汽与空气形成的爆炸性气体环境中,所适用的危险区域为1区或2区,不适用于0区.
This crane adapts to the environment in
factory that have explosive gas formed by inflammable gas , steam and air of which explosion
proof grade is less than B grade or C grade and ignition group is more than T4(135℃)group .And the explosion proof electric
hoist adapts to 1 area or 2 area , not 0 area.
Notes:0 area :Under normal circumstances ,
the situation that explosive gas mixture gas mixture appear continuously in a
very short time or exist for a long time.
1 area : Under normal circumstances , the situation
that explosive gas mixture appear.
2 区 :在正常情况下,爆炸性气体混合物不能出现,仅在不正常情况下既有可能发生设备故障或误操作情况下
2 area : Under normal circumstances , explosive
gas mixture can not appear . But under abnormal circumstances that equipment is
out of order or misoperation takes place ,the explosive gas mixture appears occasionally
in a short time.
本起重机所适用的危险气体举例见下表, 未列入表内的其它危险气体见GB3836.1之附录.
Dangerous gas that this crane can the be used
in is listed ad follows 。Refer
to the appendix of GB3836.1for other dangerous gas that has not been listed
into follow table。
防爆标志(类别 级别) Explosion-proof
mark (sorts grade ) | 危险气体举例 Dangerous gas |
ExdIIBT4 | 乙烷 丙烷 丁烷 庚烷 癸烷 乙烯 丙烯 一氧化碳 汽油 丙酮
苯乙烯 甲苯 苯 甲醇 乙醇 氯乙烯 乙醛 二乙醚 Ethane propane
butane heptane decane
ethylene propylene carbon monoxide petrol
acetone styrene toluene
benzene carbinol ethanol chloroethylene acetaldehyde diethylether |
ExdOOCT4 | 氢气 水煤气 乙炔及ExdIIBT4的气体 Hydrogen gas water gas
acetylene and the gas except
ExdIIBT4 |