货 号: LQ03B/JG-1
额定电压: 220V
额定功率: 50Hz
重 量: 45kg
电机功率: 0.5kW
锯带线速度: 15m/s
工作台规格: 400x436mm
切割厚度: 4~180mm
外形尺寸: 520x490x840mm
★☆★力强厨具 ★☆★ZHONGSHAN LIQIANG KITCHEN EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD — —最具实力的厨房设备制造和工程专家以客为本 以质为先 与时俱进 追求卓越
Our company was founded in 1988, has extensive manufacturing and engineering experience, engaged in star hotels, large restaurants, Chinese and Western restaurants, offices / schools / business canteens and other kitchen design, manufacture, construction and maintenance of one-stop services, products and engineering throughout China and Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia, praised by users. We offer for your kitchen project: the perfect layout, reasonable equipment configuration, engineering preferential price, exquisite manufacturing technology, rapid on-site construction and good after-sales service.
Free work for the user:
★厨房布局设计 ★厨房设备配置设计 ★厨房抽油烟系统设计
☆Kitchen design layout ☆Equipment use design ☆Fume extraction systems engineering design
★厨房供电设计 ★厨房给、排水设计 ★厨房送鲜风系统设计
☆Kitchen electrical design ☆Water supply and drainage design ☆Air supply systems design
Pre-work for the user:
★ 厨房设备工程招标技术文件设计★ 厨房设备工程招标书设计
Design tender documents and technical specifications Of kitchen equipment engineering
After-sales work for the user:
★厨房消防验收 ★厨房环保验收 ★厨房卫生验收
Kitchen fire inspection, environmental inspection, quarantine inspection.
★一年免保,常年维护 ★期满特惠续约,低价养护
Free one-year warranty,long-term maintenance.
欢迎您的垂询,恭请您的莅临,感谢您的关注,期待您的惠顾!Welcome to telephone consultation and visit us. 声明:本站图片供参考,实物或有差异,实物为准;实际价格与参数请电询。力强厨具 国内业务部 0760-23886356 88814797 13560606930 钟先生 13425530413 欧先生