产品名称: HHT系列本安型温湿度变送器
产品型号: HHT系列
The Series HHT Hazardous Area Humidity/Temperature Transmittertakesaccurate measurements in the harshest of environments.Thetransmitter is offered in explosion-proof andintrinsically-safeversions depending on the application'srequirements. Theexplosion-proof model is offered with 4 to 20 mAoutput forhumidity only. The intrinsically-safe version is offeredwith 4 to20 mA output for humidity and temperature. Both versionshave anoptional two line alphanumeric display to show the currenthumidityand temperature.
The Series HHT humidity/temperature transmitter is excellentforoffshore HVAC applications, dust and grainapplications.Intrinsically safe models require an intrinsicallysafebarrier.
DWYER HHT系列本安型温湿度变送器
相对湿度范围: 0 to 100% RH.
温度范围: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).
精度: ±2% 10-90% RH, ±0.9°F at 72°F (±0.3°C at 25°C).
滞后: ±1%.
重复性: ±0.1% typical.
温度范围: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).
储存温度: -40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C).
补偿温度: -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).
电源: For instrinsically safe models HHT-IX, 9.5 to 28 VDC.Forexplosion-proof models HHT-EX, 16.5 to 28 VDC.
信号输出: 4-20 mA, 2 channels for humidity/temperature models(looppower on RH).
响应时间: 15 seconds.
电气连接: Screw terminal block.
管路连接: 1/2" female NPT.
漂移: <1% RH/year.
RH 传感器: Capacitance polymer.
温度传感器: Solid state band gap.
外壳材质: Aluminum.
显示: Optional 2 line alpha numeric, 8 characters/line.Temperaturedisplay is °F/°C selectable.
显示分辨率: RH: 0.1%: Temperature 0.1°F (0.1°C).
重量: 2 lb 8 oz (1134 g).
封装: NEMA 4X (IP66). Models HHT-EX: FM Explosion-proof, Class IDiv.1 Group B, C, D, Class II Div. 1 Group E, F, G, Class III Div.1;Models HHT-IX: FM Instrinsically Safe, Class I Div. 1 Group A,B,C, D, Class II Div. 1 Group E, F, G, Class III Div. 1 T4.
认证: FM, CE.
DWYER HHT系列本安型温湿度变送器
型 号 描 述
HHT-EU Explosion-proof humidity transmitter.
HHT-EU-LCD Explosion-proof humidity transmitter withLCDdisplay.
HHT-IU Intrinsically safe humidity transmitter.
HHT-IT Intrinsically safe humidity/temperature transmitter.
HHT-IT-LCD Intrinsically safe humidity/temperature transmitterwithLCD display.