•收缩比 2:1 不含卤系阻燃剂,低烟无卤,低酸性气体
•不含氯化合物PCBs、PCPs及多溴联苯PBBs、多溴氧化联苯PBBOs、多溴联苯醚PBBEs、PBDEs等对环境有害的物质,符合欧洲RoHS环保指令、SONY SS00259、 EN1122、EPA3050B、EPA3052、EN14582等环保标准要求。
Environmental Protection UL flame-retardant heat-shrinkable tubing does not contain any halogen flame retardant, non-lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and other harmful substances , while maintaining good physical properties and electrical properties of both a good fire safety, in line with environmental requirements. Features.
•Shrink ratio 2:1 non-halogen flame retardant, low smoke zero halogen, low acid gas.
Common colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, white, and black (common), and transparent
技术指标Technical Data |
序号 | 测试项目Property | 测试方法Test Method | 检测结果Typical Value | 1 | 拉伸强度Tensile Strength | ASTM D412 | 12 N/mm2 | 2 | 断裂伸长率Ultimate Elongation | ASTM D412 | 300% | 3 | 热冲击Heat Shock @ 250º C | UL 224 | 通过passes | 4 | 低温试验Cold Bend @ -30ºC | ASTM D2671 | 通过passes | 5 | 阻燃性 Flammability | UL 224, VW-1 | 通过passes | 6 | 击穿强度Dielectric Strength | ASTM D149 | 15kV/mm | 7 | 体积电阻率Volume Resistivity | ASTM D257 | 1x1014Ω•cm | 8 | 纵向收缩率Longitudinal Change | ASTM D2671 | Inside +/-5% | 9 | 吸水率Water Absorption | ASTM D570 | <0.5% |