- 产品信息
- 商品名称: BRCD016GWZ-3E2
- 商品类型: 通用EEPROM
- 商品品牌: ROHM罗姆
・Completely Conforming to the World Standard I2C BUS. All Controls Available by 2 Ports of Serial Clock (SCL) and serial data (SDA)
・Other Devices than EEPROM can be Connected to the Same Port, Saving Microcontroller Port
・1.7V to 3.6V Single Power Source Operation Most Suitable for Battery Use
・1.7V to 3.6V Wide Limit of Operating Voltage, Possible FAST MODE 400KHz Operation
・Up to 16 Byte in Page Write Mode
・Bit Format 2K x 8
・Self-timed Programming Cycle
・Low Current Consumption
・Prevention of Write Mistake
・Write (Write Protect) Function Added
・Prevention of write mistake at low voltage
・More than 1 Million Write Cycles
・More than 40 Years Data Retention
・Noise Filter Built in SCL / SDA Terminal
・Initial Delivery State FFh
圣新电子科技有限公司 罗姆半导体代理商 原装正品
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苏先生:13760337880 苏小姐:13632575144