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279 PCS
Regulatory Status
The United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has listed this
product as an acceptable substitute for
ozone depleting substances under its
Significant New Alternatives Program
(SNAP). This program evaluates and
approves alternatives to ozone
depleting substances.
The solvent used in Chesterton 279
PCS has been accepted for commercial
use in the United States through the
Toxic Substances Control Act. The
product is listed as “acceptable without
restrictions” based on the material’s
positive balance of environmental and
health properties when compared to
ozone depleting substances.
The solvent is also listed on most
international inventories including
but not limited to: Japanese Ministry
of International Trade and Industry
(MITI), European Inventory of Existing
Commercial Chemical Substances
(EINECS), Australian Inventory of
Chemicals, Korean Toxic Chemical
Control Law, and the Canadian
Domestic Substances List. Use has
recently been approved in Germany
under approval #IGI2-50121/29.
Typical Physical Properties
Properties Chesterton 279 PCS CFC-113 HCFC-141b HCFC-25ca/cb HFC-4310
Molecular Wt. 250 187 117 203 252
Boiling Pt. (C) 60 48 32 54 54
Freeze Pt. (C) -135 -35 -103 -131 -80
Flash Point None None None None None
Flammability Range in Air None None 7.1-18.6
None None
Liquid Density
1.52 1.56 1.23 1.55 1.58
Surface Tension
13.6 17.3 19.3 16.2 14.1
Solubility in Water
<20 170 210 330 140
(1) Vol. % by ASTM E681-94 @100°C Data compiled from published information
(2) g/ml @ 25°C
(3) dynes/cm @ 25°C
(4) ppm by weight
■ Nonflammable
■ Fast Evaporation
■ Low Residue
■ Non-corrosive
■ High Purity
■ High Dielectric Strength
■ No Ozone Depleting Potential
■ No VOC’s
■ Replaces CFC-113
■ Removes Fluorinated Lubricants
■ Safe for Plastic
■ NSF K2 - Registration number 134012Applications
Chesterton® 279 PCS can be
used to clean electronic equipment,
motorized instruments, medical devices,
gyroscopes, and other delicate
instrumentation. It removes light
petroleum oils and greases, Krytox®
Grease, halogenated oils and particulates
as effectively as CFC-113. 279 PCS is
safe to use on most materials found in
industry. Test for compatibility before
using on materials NOT listed.
Before using this product, review the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or the
appropriate safety sheet for your area.
Chesterton 279 Materials Compatibility