数控机器人 | | | |
ROBOT CNC | | | |
斗笠式换刀系统 | HSD主轴 | 气动夹具 | |
ATC | HSD spindle | Air-actuated fixture | |
第七轴旋转平台 | | | |
7th axic | | | |
适用于木材、聚酯、石材、泡沫等材料 | | |
Applicable to wood ,polyester,Foam,etc. | | |
适用于汽车内饰、大型模具、立体工艺品、木模等行业 | | |
Applicable for:Car inner decoration,large mold,3d crafts,wooden mold ,etc. |
I/O接口可扩展至256点,在生产需要的情况下,可扩展1-2个外部轴至7-8轴。 | |
Can be extended to 256 I/O interface,in the productionneeds of the situation, |
the scalable to shaft 7-8. | | | |
机器人采用高强度材料制作,其手臂经过机械平衡处理,可运用于恶劣的生产环境。 | |
The robot uses the high strength material,the mechanical balance arm after |
treatment,can be used in harsh environment. | | |
提供友好人机对话窗口,界面简洁大方,显示及监控信息丰富。 | |
To provide a friendly man-machine dialog window,elegant interface,display and |
monitoring information rich. | | |
机器人所需电机、驱动、控制系统全部为日本安川生产。 | | |
The robot to the desired motor, drive,control system for all Japan Yaskawa production. |
采用国内最先进的控制系统,机器人始终能够根据实际载荷对加减速进行优化,尽可能缩短操作周期时间。 |
The control system uses the most advanced domestic ,the robot can always according |
to the actual load on the acceleration and deceleration are optimized, as far as possible to |
shorten operation cycle time. | | |
该机器人通过内置服务信息系统(SIS)监测自身运动和载荷情况并优化服务需求,持续工作时间更长。 |
The robot through the built-in service information system (SIS) monitoring their movement |
and loading conditions and optimization services,continuous work for longer. |
先进运动控制功能和碰撞监测功能可有效避免工具或工件的损坏风险。 | |
Advanced motion control and collision monitoring function can effectively avoid the risk |
of damage to a tool or a workpiece. | | |
采用垂直多关节串联结构,最高达150kgE的有效载荷和最长达2650mm的到达距离使其成为同类 |
机器人中的佼佼者。 | | | |
The vertical multi jointi joint series structure,payload of up to 100kg and the 2650mm |
long distance to make it become a leader in similar in robot. | |
精度高稳定性能可靠,并且在长时间工作状态下,机器人高精度不受任何影响,确保零件生产质量的稳定性。 |
High precision and stable and reliable performance,and long time working condition,the |
robot with high precision without any influence ,ensure the stability of production |
quality of the parts.. | | | |
主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameters | | |
有效臂展WORKING AREA | 2650mm |
有效负载LOAD CAPACITY | 150kg |
重复定位精度 | 正负0.07mm |
J1轴 JI AXIS | 正130度~负90度 |
J2轴 J2 AXIS | 正280度~负160度 |
主轴电机 SPINDEL | 风冷主轴6-18kw |
安装方式INSTALLATION POSTURE | 地面安装Installed on floor |
机器净重 NET WEIGHT | 500公斤以上 |
驱动系统 DRIVER | 日本安川交流伺服系统 Japanese YASKAWA servo motor |
控制系统CNC SYSTEM | 日本安川控制系统 Japanese YASKAWA cnc system |