综述/General description
本产品适用工厂、办公室、银行、医院、商场、地铁、学校等其他需要高亮度且节能的室内照明场所。/This product is applicable for workshop, office, bank, hospital, shopping centre, subway, school, and other indoorplaces which required high luminosity and energy-saving lighting.
1.光源:高亮度3528 SMD LED。/Light source : ultra-bright 3528 SMD LED.
2.AC24V宽输入电压 。/Working voltage AC24V.
3.操作响应速度快, 无频闪。/Instant response , no strobe light wave.
4.高效率电源设计,节能高效。/High efficiency , low power consumption.
5.稳定性好,良好的散热处理工艺,寿命长。/Long life span with high stability and advanced heat dissipation technology.
6.自主的结构和外观专利,结构紧凑,美观大方。/Independentof thestructure anddesign patents, compact structure,beautiful appearance.
7.宽色温的选择范围:3000~6500K。/Wideselectionof color temperature: 3000~6500K.