EfficientPhotovoltaic module polycrystalline solar battery
型号(Model ) LXP80W
额定功率)Power rate )Pm: 80W
功率误差Power Error: ±5%
通用边框,可打开的接线盒,接线端子Versatile frame, openable junction box and terminator
湿度循环测试humidity circle test: -40℃TO+85℃
湿热测试moist heat test: 85%相对湿度RH
正、负背面静态负重测试(例如:风)plus-minus back static load test(e.g.:wind ): 2400帕(50psf)
正面负重测试(例如:雪)plus load test(e.g.snower):5400帕(113psf)
冰雹冲击测试hail attack test: 25MM¢(1inch)at 23m/s(52mph)
峰值功率Peak power output (Pm): 80W
最佳工作电压maximum power voltage (Vmp): 17.4V
最佳工作电流maximum power Current(Imp): 4.44A
开路电压open circuit voltage (Voc): 21.3V
短路电流short circuit current (Isc): 4.97A
短路电流温度系数temperature coefficient of short current: (0.065±0.015)%/℃
开路电压温度系数temperature coefficient of open voltage: -(80±10)mv/℃
最大功率温度系数temperature coefficient of maximum power: -(0.5±0.05)%/℃
最大系统电压Maximum system voltage: 1000V
Size: 长(Length):910mm
宽(Widen): 660mm
厚(Hight): 35mm
安装孔Installation hole(mm):4-Φ9
电池片排列方式cells array way:36pcsc cells片电池片,4*9串联并以矩形排列in series and array in rectangle接线盒junction box:带有接线柱无输出线的接线盒junction box of post head but output cable结构structure:正面front:高透光率超白绒面钢化玻璃High-transmissive and ultrawhite napped tempered glass背面back:聚脂sts dion 密封填充材料airproof filling material:EVA边框frame:阳极氧化铝合金边框型通用边框anode oxidize aluminium alloyversatile frame;颜色color:银色silver