产品图片 |
产品说明及细节图片 |
塑料周转箱的特点及使用说明: 1.颜色:蓝色,白色,黄色、绿色、黑色等,500个起可根据客户要求订做其它颜色. 2.美观耐用:塑料周转箱产品由低压高密度聚乙烯(hdpe)一次性注塑而成,光泽度好、手感好,使用周期长。 3.属性好:美观、质轻、防滑、防滑、抗冲击,耐寒、耐热、耐磨、耐压、耐腐蚀、耐酸耐碱、透气性、不透水性。 4.强度高:产品结构设计合理,承重强度高。周转箱容积1L的载荷在1-100KG内,从1.5米高度自由落下不严重变形、不开裂。 5.可燃性:可燃物品,不可近火源(最高使用温度100℃,着火温度340℃,自燃温度349℃,最低使用温度-25℃)。 6.防滑性好:周转箱底采用正方形加强筋等各种防滑设计,可在流水线上平稳周转运行。 7.平整性:周转箱(物流箱)用于存放物品时,温度保持在40℃左右,水平使用达最佳效果,地面倾斜放置会造成倾倒;另外箱筐可以堆积层放,层数要根据每个周转箱里的重量决定,不宜太高,否则会造成底部的周转箱(物流箱)变形,从而影响塑料周转箱(物流箱)的使用寿命。 8.性能及优点:具有耐酸、耐碱、耐油污,防潮防蛀,耐磨损,耐压,耐用,抗冲击,无钉无刺,无毒无味,易冲洗消毒,不腐烂,不污染,经济,环保,便捷,卫生,安全,可回收等。质轻,平滑,使用寿命长,整体性能好,美观大方,清洁方便,堆放整齐,便于管理。 9.用途:产品适用于高科技电子五金行业、或用于医疗行业、机械零配件、冷藏,食品、水产、物流、仓储等行业,电子厂,制衣厂,鞋材、玩具厂、食品卫生、长途运输等,车间长期周转和一次性出口使用,满足客户的各方面的需求。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
物流/快递说明 | ||||||||
联系方式 |
联系地址:江苏省盐城市亭湖区永丰永新公路18号 联系电话:13401776181 18936311518 传真号码:0515-88530560 腾讯QQ:33039541 阿里旺旺:yctping EMAIL:YUJIA@JS-YUJIA.NETGUANWF@GMAIL.COM |
公司简介 |
●江苏羽佳塑业限公司始建于1985年,系国内知名的从事塑料制品加工的私营企业。 ●厂区占地面积65000平方米,建筑面积35000平方米,固定资产1.2亿元。公司职工615人,各种专业技术人员105人,拥有10000-40000克特大型注塑机20台机,4000-10000克大型注塑机20台,2000-4000克中型注塑机20台,2000克以下小型注塑机及焊接、挤塑、吹塑机30台,年加工生产能力达25000吨以上。 ●公司产品有塑料托盘,周转箱,物流箱,榨水车,垃圾桶,告示牌,购物篮,收纳箱,保鲜盒,整理箱,静音手推车,大型塑料桶,塑料箱,塑料盘,塑料箩,周转筐及禽用喂水器,自动饮水器,喂料桶,开食盘,塑料鸡笼,出雏盘孵化设备等几大系列的300余个品种,产品远销欧美及亚洲的日韩和港澳台等国家和地区。 ●2006年为了适应新一轮发展的需要,成立了江苏羽佳模塑有限公司,专门从事各级别汽车塑料部件的开发生产,现已成为悦达起亚汽车的主要塑料件供应商。公司新厂区占地80000平方米,建筑面积45000平方,拥有世界领先的各种注塑机40台。 ●公司已通过ISO9001,ISO14001和TS16949认证,并多年被评为市级明星企业。 Jiangsu Yujia Plastics industry Co., Ltd., founded in 1985, is a famous private enterprise specializing in manufacturing and processing plastics in China. It's with the occupying area of 65,000m2, the construction area of 35,000m2and the fixed assets of RMB 0.12 billion Yuan. At present, there are 615 employees and 105 professional technicians. In addition, the Company is also equipped with 20 sets of extra-large-scaled plastic molding machines (10000_40000g), 20 sets of large-scaled plastic molding machines (4000-10000g), 20 sets of middle-scated plastic molding machines (2000—4000g), and 30 sets of small-scaled plastic molding machines (less than 2000g), welding machines, plastic pressing machines and plastic blowing machines. The yearly capacity is more than 25,000 tons. The products plastic pallets, cleaning things, supermarket things, mute trolleys, cases, plates, baskets, equipment for feeding poultry and so on, altogether over 300 kinds. These products are well exported to Europe, USA, Japan, Korea South, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other counties and areas. In 2006, Jiangsu Yujia Molds & Plastics Co., Ltd was founded in order to meet the requirements on further development, which specializes in developing and manufacturing the plastic parts for auto- mobiles. The Company has been the supplier of the master plastic parts for KIA. The new plant of the Company is with the occupying area of 80,000m2, the construction area of 45000m2. In addition, it's also equipped with 40 sets of internationally advanced plastic molding machines. The Company has passed the authentication of IS09001 , IS014001 and TS16949, and has been regarded as "the Star Enterprise of Yancheng City" for many years.