主、副钩额定起重量分别为50t、20t、36t、16t,标准跨度为22m、26m、30m, 适用于铁路、厂矿企业货场、露天仓库等部门的物资装卸。由于采用“U”型支腿,过腿净空大、司机视野好,对从事装卸长大笨重货物的货场,具有较大优越性,用户也可根据需要自行更换吊具,实现多种货物的装卸作业机械化。
Technical characteristics:The limiting size is the lowest between he top of crab and the track of trolley,that is to say,it reduces 20%-30%compared with traditional products.which can reduce the capital of workshop 20%efficiently.It has hard-tooth reducer,imported wire-rope,and trinity drive.It is equipped with such protecting devices as alarm device to overloading,obliquely hanging,second protecting equipment preventing hook clashing the top,protecting the current lacking of any phrase etc.