不锈钢磁钢浮球Stainless steel ball inside the magnet
不锈钢磁翻板浮球 SUS Ball for Magnetic level gauge
不锈钢长形浮球Long stainless steel
不锈钢带螺纹浮球Stainless steel with screw ball
不锈钢高精密浮球High-precision stainless steel ball
不锈钢通孔式浮球Stainless steel through-hole type float
不锈钢通孔扁浮球Stainless steel through-hole flat float
不锈钢侧装浮球 Horizontal type SUS Ball
四氟浮球PTFE floating ball
铜浮球Copper Ball
不锈钢液位计配件Level gauge stainless steel parts