Resolve Lipoprotein Sub-Classes
Pore Gradient LPE System
Complete System:
• Base unit/lower buffer reservoir with cooling coil and external
connections for refrigerated water bath
• 4 sample applicators with choice of 12, 13, or 18 wells
• Upper reservoir with 4-slot molded silicone gasket
• Platinum Electrodes
• 3 gel slot plugs for molded silicone gasket. (Plugs are necessary when
running less than 4 gels at a time)
• Safety cover with electrical interlock
• Buffer recycling pump
• Resolution of Lipoprotein subclasses (HDL and LDL)
• Standard PAGE
The Pore Gradient Lipoprotein Electrophoresis System (LPE) is designed to
resolve lipoprotein sub-classes of low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high
density lipoproteins (HDL) based on particle size using non-denaturing pore
gradient gel electrophoresis (1, 2, 3). Other applications include standard
PAGE and short DNA sequencing runs. Temperature control (8°C - 10°C) is
accomplished using a cooling coil in the buffer chamber that is connected
to an external refrigerated water bath. A built-in pump recirculates the buffer
and helps keep the temperature constant.
CBS Scientific has specifically designed this system to be used with pre-cast
non-denaturing acrylamide gradients from Alamo Gels, Inc. Up to four gels
can be run simultaneously. Slots in a specially molded silicone gasket hold
these pre-cast gels in place in the upper reservoir. 3 gel slot plugs are included
in the event the researcher would like to run less than 4 gels at a time.
Precast Non-denaturing Pore-Gradient Polyacrylamide Gels
C.B.S. Scientific offers 2/16, 4/30 and 2/31 percent pre-cast non-denaturing
polyacrylamide gels for high resolution gradient gel electrophoresis. The 2/16
gels are for resolving low-density lipoproteins (LDL’s) over an approximate
molecular weight range of 100,000-5,000,000. The 4/30 gels are for
resolving high-density lipoproteins (HDL’s) over an approximate range of
50,000-2,000,000. The 2/31 combo gels resolve lipoproteins from 50,000-
5,000,000. The pre-cast cassettes are 4.9mm thick with a height and width
of 82mm. Gels are sold in packs of 16, have a 6 month shelf life and should
be kept at 4°C - 8°C.