德尔福CDL系列不锈钢多级离心泵 产品特点 产品特点. CDL系列立式多级不锈钢离心泵是采用丹麦先进技术制造而成,其最大优点是水力模型设计先进,高效率,高节能。水泵内部叶轮、泵壳及其主要配件采用不锈钢 冲压成形,流道特别光滑,轴瓦、轴套用硬质合金,具有超强的使用寿命,避免产生二次污染,轴封采用耐磨机械密封,无泄露。电机采用Y2铅外壳,进口轴承,绝缘等级F级。泵运转平稳,低噪音,整机质量可靠,外形美观、体积小、重量轻、运输安全方便,是理想的绿色、环保、节能的水泵。 Features The CDL series vertical multistage stainless steel centrifugal pump adopts advanced technology from Denmark, Its biggest advantage lies in its advanced, efficient and energy-saving hydraulic model. The water pump’s internal impeller casing and main accessories adopt stainless steel stamping forming. Its flow channel is particularly smooth; and its bushing and sleeve adopt hard alloy with a strong service life to avoid secondary pollution. Its shaft seal adopts abrasion-resistance mechanical seal with zero leakage. Its motor adopts Y2 lead casing and imported bearing with insulation class F. It’s an ideal green ,environment-friendlyh and energy-saving water pump due to its stable operation, low noise, reliable overall quality, attractive appearance, compactness, light weight and easy transportation and installation.
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