Iron-base fluxed alloy is produced by adding suitableamount of boron and silicon into iron-carbon alloy, which is usually used onthe wearable and weak-acid-medium proofing accessories under 500℃. Although theperformance of iron-base fluxed alloy can not match with that of the nickel orcobalt alloy, it has wide source materials and low prices, which is the greatadvantage for application. The following iron-base sprayed welding alloy powdershould be dried by the customer under 120℃ for two hours before useing.
型号 | 规格(μm) | 特性简述 | 主要用途 | 物理性能 | 应用工艺 |
Fe1 | -200/+100 | Fe1是奥氏体不锈钢型加入B、Si元素具有抗磨耐热、耐用腐蚀和抗热疲劳等综合性能。 | 阀门密封面 热轧辊 | ①HRC35-40 ②熔点1250℃ ③流动性17s/50g ④松装密度4.4g/cm3 | 等离子堆焊 |
Fe2 | -200/+100 | 同上 | 同上阀门座 | ①HRC38-44 ②熔点1240℃ ③同上 ④同上 | 等离子堆焊
Fe5 | -200/+100 -106/+45 | Fe5是高铬铸铁型抗磨料磨损性极优,裂纹倾向大。 | 石油钻杆接头,犁铧耙片等磨粒磨损工件 | ①HRC62-67 ②熔点1230℃ ③流动性18s/50g ④松装密度4.5g/cm3 | 等离子堆焊 氧乙炔一步法喷焊 |
Fe90 | -150/+53 -106/+45 | Fe90发球半马氏体钢,在Icr13不锈钢中加入B、Si元素和少量Mo具有耐磨、耐腐蚀等良好性能,抗裂性好。 | 石油钻杆接头钻铤保护层 | ①HRC50-55 ②熔点1250℃ ③流动性18s/50g ④松装密度4.5g/cm3 | 等离子堆焊 |
Fe6 | -150/+53 -106/+45 | Fe6是低铬高Ni加有B、Si元素之Fe基焊粉,其工艺性比ni60粉差,但具有Ni60粉综合性能,价格便宜。 | 风机叶片,拔丝滚, 铲片 | ①HRC58-60 ②熔点1080℃ ③流动性17s/50g ④松装密度4.6g/cm3 | 等离子堆焊 氧乙炔喷焊 |
Fe45 | -150/+53 -106/+45 | Fe45是加有B、Si元素的高Ni铁合金粉具有Ni45合金粉性能,工艺性稍差价格便宜。 | 铁轨修复 | ①HRC40-46 ②熔点1070℃ ③流动性17s/50g ④松装密度4.6g/cm3 | 等离子堆焊 氧乙炔喷焊 |