型号含义 Model implication
适用范围 Application1、适用于1区、2区危险场所。2、适用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC类爆炸性气体环境。3、可配装白炽灯、汞灯。注:要求ⅡC类时请注明。1、Can be used in Zone1and2dangerous places.2、Can be usedⅡA、ⅡB 、ⅡC group explosive atmosphere.3、Suitable ofr incandesent lamp, mercury vapor lamp.Notice:Please note if needⅡC group. 产品特点 Features1、铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑。2、应急专用灯中正常照明灯和应急照明灯各自独立,适合安装条件许可的场所;照明应急两用灯,正常照明和应急照明共用一个灯体,光源独立。3、内装免维护镍镉电池组,在正常供电下自动充电,事故断电或停电时应急灯自动点亮。4、钢管或电缆布线均可。5、可根据用户要求设置试验按钮和指示灯。6、符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求。1、Diecasted aluminium alloy shell with plasticsprayed surface.2、Normal lamp and emergency lamp of the pision type are respectively suitable to the appropriate sites, but the dual-purpose for lighting and emergency type body, moreover light source is independent.3、Under the normal power-supplying condition, inner Nickel-Cadmium battery can recharge automatically, so that the emergency lamp will turn on automatically when the power ose because of accident or power failure, 4、Suitable for both steelpipe and cable wiring.5、It can be equipped with test button and indicator according to user's requirement.6、Suitable for GB3836-2000, IEC60079 standard request.主要技术参数 Main technical parameters配用光源 Supplied with lamps外形及安装举例 Outline and mounting example照明应急两用式(IIB)Dual-purpose for lighting and emergency订货须知 Ordering references1、用户在选型时按防爆照明应急两用灯的型号名称、光源、功率及安装方式。例:需配用光源为自镇汞灯125W、吊杆式安装,则型号为:DCJ52-Z125gA。1、When purchasing, please refer to the model, name, illuminant, power and installation way of explosion-proof dual-purpose lamp for light and emergency. If a pendant type product with Self-ballasted mercury vapor lamp of 125W, its model shall be DCJ52-Z125gA.
浙江中普防爆电器有限公司 联系人:李汉军。联系电话:13336905935