活性碳过滤器 Actived carbon 活性碳过滤器能有效地清除 Activated carbon filters can effectively remove : ●水中的水生动物、植物或微生物的繁殖和腐烂而发出的鱼腥气味 及霉烂气味。 ●水中的有机物质的腐败分解而散发的泥土气味或涩味。 ●水中熔解气体如SO2、H2S、及NH3的臭味。 ●排入水中的工业废水所含杂质如石油、酚类等臭味。 ●消毒水过程中加入氯气等气味。 ●anabaena ,rotten smell and breed of aquatic animals , plants and microbe. ●soil smell or astringency of water ,as a reason of organic matter corruption . ●odor of smell of gas dissolved in water,such as SO2, H2S, and NH3. ●odor of industrial wastewater discharged into the water. odor when it add chlorine in the disinfect process. 基特点是吸收力强,碳粒表面有很多肉眼看不到的小孔、能将水中的 各种嗅味、色素、有机物体及余氯吸掉,经过滤后水质便会无色、无 味、无嗅、清澈非常。 Its basic features is strong absorption and has a lot of invisible holes in the soot surface, can remove variety of odor, pigment, organic maters and chlorine in water. After treatment, through the filtered it would be colorless ,no smell ,no odor and very clear . |