中沈防爆电器有限公司是防爆电器灯具的专业生产厂家。是中国电器工业协会防爆电器分会会员单位,公司自创建以来,既注重质量,创新。注重产品工艺的先进性,注重科技人才和员工素质的培养。建立了完善的质量保证体系。 公司生产的产品按GB3836-2000爆炸性气体环境用电气设备等国家标准设计、制造、检验。且均取得了国家指家的检验机构颁发的防爆合格证。 并在2005年初获得国粗监督检验疫总局颁发的全国工业产品生产许可证。产品在近几年的国家抽查中均为合格。董事长携同全体员工迎接新的竞争与挑战。立志把“中沈防爆”铸造成主导防爆新产品的知名品牌
| 适用范围 | 1、1区、2区危险场所。 2、II A、II B 、II C类T1~T4组类爆炸气体或蒸汽环境。 3、户内、户外(IP54,IP65*) |
产品特点 | 1、铸铝合金压铸成型,表面喷塑,外形美观; 2、灯体和出线套采用无线连接,便于用户安装和维修; 3、镇流器、触发器安装在灯体内(一体式); 4、钢管布线。 |
主要技术参数 |
光源类型 | 高压汞灯 | 白炽灯 | 高压钠灯 | 金卤灯 | 自镇汞灯 | 额定功率(W) | 50,80,125 | 100,150,200 | 70,100,110 | 70,100 | 125,160 | 灯座 | E27 | E27 | E27 | E27 | E27 |
电压(V) | 防爆标志 | 防护等级 | 防腐等级 | 电缆外径(φmm) | 进线口螺纹(G ") | 220V | ExdⅡBT4 ExdⅡCT4 | IP54 IP65* | WF1 | 10~14 | 3/4 |
Shen Yueqing City Explosion proof Electric Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of electric lamps.China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association, member of explosion-proof electrical branch of the company since its inception, both focus on quality and innovation.Focus on advanced technology products, pay attention to the quality of manpower and staff training.Established a perfect quality assurance system.Our products by GB3836-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres such as the national standard design, manufacture, testing.And achieved a national home inspection organizations that explosion-proof certificate issued.States in the early 2005 crude Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Administration issued the national industrial production permit.National product in recent years are qualified spot checks.Chairman of the board bring the staff to meet new competition and challenges.Determined to "the proof of Shen" explosion-proof cast into the leading brands of new products