韩版饰品服装配饰 辅料配件 装饰花 手工毛线花朵发饰材料
饰品配件 服装毛线缎带小花 简约手工美丽花朵 发饰材料
手工 服装配饰饰品 辅料 鞋子包包 蝴蝶结发饰配件
实物拍摄 手工制作 品质保证
韩版饰品服装配饰 辅料配件 装饰花 手工毛线花朵发饰材料
饰品配件 服装毛线缎带小花 简约手工美丽花朵 发饰材料
手工 服装配饰饰品 辅料 鞋子包包 蝴蝶结发饰配件
各种童装配饰 ,服装辅料,纺织配料,鞋,袜子,衣服胸花,布料花式,
小西装配饰,公仔,儿童服装配花 羊毛料,纺织料花
实物拍摄 手工制作 品质保证
Contact: 13570252828Mr. LiuKorean jewelry accessories accessories decorative flowers handmade wool flower ornaments materialsJewelry accessories apparel wool ribbon flowers simple manual beautiful flower ornaments materialsHandmade garment accessories accessories shoes bag bowknot hair accessoriesAll kinds of children\'s clothing accessories, clothing accessories, textile accessories, shoes, socks, dress corsage, cloth fancy,Ethnic customs accessories, fashion accessories, handmade flower, DIY production pattern, silk fancySmall suit accessories, toys, children\'s clothing with wool, textile material flowersCan be a lot of personalized custom patternIn-kind shooting handmade quality assurance[] on the spot could shoot the color has the goods, due to warehouse shipments inventory shortage will timely notice, the amount can be customizedThe company sells handmade flowers, various accessory ingredients, garment accessories, welcome to sample processing, custom-made of different styles of cloth flowersWelcome major customers to negotiateTel: 13570252828
