產品圖片Product Photo

2.規格說明Specification Explanation
(測試條件Test condition:Ta=25℃)
A.型號列表List of Moels色溫(CCT) | |
暖白Warm shite | 2700-3200K |
正白Nature white | 4000-4500K |
冷白Cool white | 5700-6000K |
色溫(CCT) | |
暖白Warm white | |
正白Nature white | |
冷白Cool white | |
B.應用環境Application Environment | | | |
存儲溫度Storage temperature | -20℃to +60℃ |
工作溫Operating temperature | -20℃to +40℃ |
工作濕度Operating humidity | 10% to 85% |
C.電氣特性Electrical characteristics
機種型號Models | 暖Warm white | 正白Nature white | 冷白Cool white |
輸入電壓input voltage | 相容電子整流器 |
電源頻率Power frequency | 50-60HZ |
輸入功率input power | 15W |
功率偏差Power tolerance | ±5% |
最大電流MAXcurrent | 58ma |
LED驅動電流LEDcurrent | 65ma |
功率因素Power factor | 0.9 |
光源Light source | LED |
D.光源參數Light source parameters
光色Light color | 暖白Warm white | 自然白Nature white | 冷白Cool white |
色溫(CCT) | 3000K | 4000K | 6000K |
光通量luminous flux | 1400Lm | 1400Lm | 1400Lm |
光束角Field angle | 180° | 180° | 180° |
顯色指數CRI | 73 | 73 | 73 |
光效Luminous effciency | 93Lm/W | 93Lm/W | 93Lm/W |
E.幾何資料Light Geomertrical data
LED顆數LED quantity | 120 |
燈體長度Body length | 1148mm |
燈體直徑Body diameter | 15mm |
重量(淨重)Net weight | 170g |
燈頭類型Lamp cap type | G5 |
F.使用壽命Working lifespan
運行條件Opreating Condition:使用電壓:相容電子整流器,50-60Hz;工作環境溫度:-20℃to +40℃
使用壽命Working lifespan | 50000Hrs | 50000Hrs | 50000Hrs |
3.產品外觀尺寸圖Product size

4.安裝說明Installation Instructions
A.新安裝New Installation
Direct use only electricians can be installed directly
Power supply must be installed in a closed state
5.包裝說明Package Explanation
A.包裝規格Packaging spectifications
參數Parameter | 尺寸Size | 包裝數量Quantity | 包装方式Packing |
外箱Canron box | 1287mm*235mm*200mm | 40PCS | 8PCS*5 |
B.裝箱方式Packaging specifications

C.裝箱數量Container loading
集裝箱大小Container size | 裝櫃數量Container loading |
20尺櫃/20 feets | 430箱/430Canrons |
40尺櫃/40 feets | 893箱/893Canrons |
40尺高櫃/20 feets of high cartons | 1124箱/1124Canrons |

联 系 人:倪先君
联 系QQ:379345541
网 址:http://www.acestarled.com