Autoclave Engineers needle valvs针阀
psi(10343 bar) ,温度从 0 到 1200°F
Engineers做的系统更可靠和具有创新的特性。Autoclave Engineers的产品为满足客户的各种需求而设计,并且具有品质高,交货准时,价格适当的特点。
AUTOCLAVE产品汇总:针阀 球阀 安全阀 仪表阀 特制的阀和阀组 气动执行器 接头 热电偶 压力表
psi (10343 bar)
(-252°C)到1200°F (650°C)
Autoclave Needle Valve
Low Pressure Valves: 10V & SW Series, Pressures to 11,500 psi. (793 bar)
Medium Pressure Valves: SM Series, Pressures to 20,000 psi. (1379 bar)
(Note: SM Series replace existing SC Series)
High Pressure Valves: 30SC, 30VM, 40VM, 60VM, 100V, & 150V Series,
Pressures to 150,000 psi. (1032 bar)
Mini Valves: MVE Series, Pressures to 15,000 psi. (1034 bar)
Micro Metering Valves: VRMM Series, Pressures to 60,000 psi. (4137 bar)
Block and Bleed Valves: 20MVBB, Rated to 20,000 psi. (1379 bar)
Extreme Temperture Valves: HT, LT, & PV Series, Pressures to 60,000 psi.
(4137 bar)
Diverter Valves: 20DV Series, Pressures to 20,000 psi. (1379 bar)
Yoke Valves:15Y, 43Y & 50Y Series, Pressures to 50,000 psi. (3447 bar)
Valve Options:Stem Types, Material Selection, Coatings and Handles
1/8 15,000 Vee 10V2071 10V2072 10V2073 10V2074 10V2872 10V2075
Reg 10V2081 10V2082 10V2083 10V2084 10V2882 10V2085
1/4 15,000 Vee 10V4071 10V4072 10V4073 10V4074 10V4872 10V4075
Reg 10V4081 10V4082 10V4083 10V4084 10V4882 10V4085
3/8 15,000 Vee 10V6071 10V6072 10V6073 10V6074 10V6872 10V6075
Reg 10V6081 10V6082 10V6083 10V6084 10V6882 10V6085
1/2 10,000 Vee 10V8071 10V8072 10V8073 10V8074 10V9872 10V8075
Reg 10V8081 10V8082 10V8083 10V8084 10V9882 10V8085
Vee SW4071 SW4072 SW4073 SW4074 SW4872 SW4075
1/4 15,000 Reg SW4081 SW4082 SW4083 SW4084 SW4882 SW4085
Vee SW6071 SW6072 SW6073 SW6074 SW6872 SW6075
3/8 15,000 Reg SW6081 SW6082 SW6083 SW6084 SW6882 SW6085
10,000 Vee SW8071 SW8072 SW8073 SW8074 SW8872 SW8075
1/2 Reg SW8081 SW8082 SW8083 SW8084 SW8882 SW8085
Vee 10SM9071 10SM9072 10SM9073 10SM9074 10SM9872 10SM9075
9/16 10,000 Reg 10SM9081 10SM9082 10SM9083 10SM9084 10SM9882 10SM9085
Vee 10SM12071 10SM12072 10SM12073 10SM12074 10SM12872 10SM12075
3/4 10,000 Reg 10SM12081 10SM12082 10SM12083 10SM12084 10SM12882 10SM12085
1 Vee 10SM16071 10SM16072 10SM16073 10SM16074 10SM16872 10SM16075
10,000 Reg 10SM16081 10SM16082 10SM16083 10SM16084 10SM16882 10SM16085
Vee 20SM4071 20SM4072 20SM4073 20SM4074 20SM4872 20SM4075
1/4 20,000 Reg 20SM4081 20SM4082 20SM4083 20SM4084 20SM4882 20SM4085
Vee 20SM6071 20SM6072 20SM6073 20SM6074 20SM6872 20SM6075
3/8 20,000 Reg 20SM6081 20SM6082 20SM6083 20SM6084 20SM6882 20SM6085
Vee 20SM9071 20SM9072 20SM9073 20SM9074 20SM9872 20SM9075
9/16 20,000 Reg 20SM9081 20SM9082 20SM9083 20SM9084 20SM9882 20SM9085
Vee 20SM12071 20SM12072 20SM12073 20SM12074 20SM12872 20SM12075
3/4 20,000 Reg 20SM12081 20SM12082 20SM12083 20SM12084 20SM12882 20SM12085
1 Vee 20SM16071 20SM16072 20SM16073 20SM16074 20SM16872 20SM16075
20,000 Reg 20SM16081 20SM16082 20SM16083 20SM16084 20SM16882 20SM16085
1 Vee 30SC16071 30SC16071 - - 30SC16872 -
30,000 Reg 30SC16081 30SC16081 - - 30SC16882 -
Vee 30VM4071 30VM4072 30VM4073 30VM4074 30VM4872 30VM4075
1/4 30,000 Reg 30VM4081 30VM4082 30VM4083 30VM4084 30VM4882 30VM4085
Vee 30VM6071 30VM6072 30VM6073 30VM6074 30VM6872 30VM6075
3/8 30,000 Reg 30VM6081 30VM6082 30VM6083 30VM6084 30VM6882 30VM6085
Vee 30VM9071 30VM9072 30VM9073 30VM9074 30VM9872 30VM9075
9/16 30,000 Reg 30VM9081 30VM9082 30VM9083 30VM9084 30VM9882 30VM9085
Vee 40VM9071 40VM9072 - - - 40SM6075
9/16 40,000 Reg 40VM9081 40VM9082 - - - 40SM6085
1/4 60,000 Vee 60VM4071 60VM4072 60VM4073 60VM4074 60VM4872 60VM4075
Reg 60VM4081 60VM4082 60VM4083 60VM4084 60VM4882 60VM4085
3/8 60,000 Vee 60VM6071 60VM6072 60VM6073 60VM6074 60VM6872 60VM6075
Reg 60VM6081 60VM6082 60VM6083 60VM6084 60VM6882 60VM6085
1/16 60,000 Vee 60VM9071 60VM9072 60VM9073 60VM9074 60VM9872 60VM9075
Reg 60VM9081 60VM9082 60VM9083 60VM9084 60VM9882 60VM9085
1/4 100,000 Vee 100VM4071 100VM4072 100VM4073 - - -
5/16 100,000 Vee 100VM5071 100VM5072 100VM5073 - - -
3/8 100,000 Vee 100VM6071 100VM6072 100VM6073 - - -
5/16 150,000 Vee - - - - 150V5072 -
20DV9077 VEE 9/16 0.359 2.50 1.25 0.53 2.41 1.75/1.63 4.69 4.00 1.00 0.34 8.88
0.69 0.50 1.00 See Figure 1
(14.29) (9.12) (63.50) (31.75) (13.46) (61.21) (44.45/41.40) (119.13) (101.60)
(25.40) (8.64) (225.55) (17.53) (12.70) (25.40)
20DV12077 VEE 3/4 0.516 3.00 1.50 0.62 3.00 2.13/1.81 5.69 10.25 1.12 0.44
10.12 0.88 0.62 1.38
(19.05) (13.11) (76.20) (38.10) (15.75) (76.20) (54.10/45.97) (144.53) (260.35)
(28.45) (11.18) (257.05) (22.35) (15.75) (35.05)
20DV16077 VEE 1 0.750 4.12 2.06 0.72 3.75 2.81/2.62 7.25 10.25 1.62 0.56 12.79
1.25 1.12 1.75
(25.40) (19.05) (104.65) (52.33) (18.29) (95.25) (71.37/66.55) (184.15)
(260.35) (41.15) (14.22) (324.87) (31.75) (28.45) (44.45) 20DV16077 20DV Series
Pressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)
Autoclave Engineers perter valves provide the ability to direct incoming flow
to one of two outlets. Flow is changed by rotating the handle in or out causing
a double-ended stem to block the flow path to the outlet not needed. Diverter
valves eliminate the need for multiple valves and the possibility of error in
flow direction changes.
AE Diverter Valve Features