502030 锂电池详细介绍:
内 阻:120mΩ↓
放电环境:-20℃ 至60℃
充电环境:0℃ 至45 ℃
存储环境:-20℃ 至45℃
产品证书:CE RoHS MSDS UL 等
1 Performance And Test Conditions (电池性能及测试条件)
3.1 Standard Test Conditions(标准测试条件)Test should be conducted with new batteries within one week after shipment from our factory and the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise specified, test and measurement shall be done under temperature of 20±5℃and relative humidity of 45~85%. If it is judged that the test results are not affected by such conditions, the tests may be conducted at temperature 15~30℃and humidity 25~85%RH.测试必须使用出厂时间不超过一个星期的新电池,且未进行过五次以上的充放电循环。除非特别说明,否则测试会在温度20±5℃,相对湿度45~85%的条件下进行。如果经鉴定测试结果不受上述条件影响,测试也可以在温度15~30℃,相对湿度25~85%RH的条件下进行。3.2 Measuring Instrument or Apparatus(测量器具及设备)3.2.1Dimension Measuring Instrument(尺寸测量器具)The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or moreprecision scale of0.01mm.尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.01 mm。3.2.2Voltmeter(伏特计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class having inner impedance more than 10kΩ/V按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,测量电压时内阻不应小于10kΩ/V。3.2.3 Ammeter(安培计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class. Total externalresistance including ammeter and wire is less than 0.01Ω.按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,包括电流表及电线在内的总外阻应小于0.01Ω。3.2.4Impedance Meter(电阻计)Impedance shall be measured by a sinusoidal alternating current method(1kHz LCR meter).内阻测试仪测量原理应为交流阻抗法(1kHz LCR)。3.3 Standard Charge\Discharge(标准充放电)3.3.1Standard Charge :Test procedure and its criteria are referred as follows:标准充电:测试过程及标准如下:0.5C5A=95mA Charging shall consist of charging at a0.5C5Aconstant current rate until the cell reaches 4.2V. The cell shall then be charged at constant voltage of 4.2 volts while tapering the charge current. Charging shall be terminated when the charging current has tapered to0.01 C5A. Charge time : Approx 4.0h, The cell shall demonstrate no permanent degradation when charged between 0 oC and 45 oC.电池先0.5C5A恒流充至4.2V,当充电电流逐渐减小时再以4.2V恒压充至电流减小到0.01 C5A,充电时间大约为4个小时。在0℃-45℃内充电电池应没有永久损害。3.3.2Standard Discharge(标准放电)0.2C5A=38mACells shall be discharged at a constant current of0.2 C5Ato 2.75 volts @ 20o ±5C电池以0.2 C5A恒流放电至2.75V @ 20o ±5C3.3.3If no otherwise specified, the rest time between Chare and Discharge amount to 30min.如果没有特别说明,电池充放电间隔时间为30分。3.4 Appearance(外观)There shall be no such defect as flaw, crack, rust, leakage, which may adversely affect commercialvalue of battery.电池外观应没有划伤、破裂、污渍、生锈、漏液等影响市场价值的缺陷存在。3.5 Initial Performance Test(初始性能测试)3.6 Temperature Dependence of discharge capacity(放电温度特性)Cells shall be charged per3.3.1 and discharged @0.2 C5Ato 2.75 volts. Except to be discharged at temperatures per Table 3. Cells shall be stored for 3 hours at the test temperature prior to discharging and then shall be discharged at the test temperature. The capacity of a cell at each temperature shall be compared to the capacity achieved at 23 oC and the percentage shall be calculated. Each cell shall meet or exceed the requirements of Table 3.电池按3.3.1规定充电。按表3的温度中放电,电池必须先在该试验温度中放置3个小时。在每一个温度中的放电容量应不小于表3的要求。Handling of Cells (电池操作注意事项)6.1 Consideration of strength of film package (包装薄膜注意事项)1) Soft Aluminium foil(铝箔软包装)Easily damaged by sharp edge parts such as pins and needles, Ni-tabs, comparing with metal-can-cased LIB.相对于金属壳的方形电池,铝箔软包装比较容易被锐利部件刺损,如针尖、镍带。