产品特性: ● Mini432/532采用国际最先进的高频、机载充电器 CBHD-High Frequency on-board charger
● 高频充电器可在任何电压环境中(110V、220V、240V等)使用,有效防止电压不稳和电压不符产生的充电问题 High frequency charger can be used in different voltage system
● 按钮开关、红绿指示灯,象形功能图案,使用简单,培训成本低,维护成本更低 Rock switches, green and red indicator, easy to train, easy to use, minimize maintainence cost
● 等压弧型水扒,压力及角度均可调节,吸水效果好。吸水胶条可快速拆装,无需工具 Arc-shaped equal-pressrue, parabolic squeegee with adjustable device ensures powerful vaccuming. Squeegee blade can be easily replaced without any tool
● 刷盘挡水裙边调节方便,清洗吸水,一干二净,效果明显,不再需要低效率的拖把 Eliminate the need for follow-up passes and non-productive mop-ups with the easy-adjusting splash skirt