频闪灯DEEM5392|频闪灯|凯拓机电由凯拓机电提供。我们是深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司(www.smtpark.cn)位于:广东 深圳 专业从事:SMT贴片机配件
XP243E 是实现了多功能性、高速贴装、高精度贴装以及紧凑式机器空间的全影像方式的贴片机、由于采用了高像素相机,可以对应于从0603的极小型芯片元件到一般元件之外,还可以方便地对以前的影像系统不能对应的特殊元件进行影像处理。更进一步,可以对应接插头等到150mm为止的长型元件。
There are a lot of homebred FUJI accessories clones on the market, such as generic DEEM5391 strobes, its shortcomings for the use of material is very poor, long service life, light brightness is very dark, and only the quality of the original second-hand. Many buyers reflect imitation is bad to use, it is this kind of domestic imitation strongpoint of DEEM5390. Instead, import original new DEEM5391 lighting lamp brightness is very bright, long service life.