产品编码Mobel number:250-80
级别指标Grade quote 项目 Ltem | 单位 Unit | 指标 Data |
单面 Single side | 双面 Double side |
克重 Basic gram | g/m2 | 75(允许公差+5) Tolerance deviation:+5 | 80(允许公差+5)Tolerance deviation:+5 |
宽度 Width | mm | 500-1090(允许公差+5) Tolerance deviation:+5 |
厚度 Thickness | um | 70-85允许公差+5) Tolerance deviation:+5 | 70-90(允许公差+5)Tolerance deviation:+5 |
分层力 Depart power | g/25mm | | ≥140 |
含水份 Water | % | 2-7 |
拉伸强度 Teasile strength | 纵向 MD | N/cm | ≥30 | ≥35 |
横向 TD | ≥15 | ≥20 |
常温离型力 Release power | g/25mm | 常规产品≤25General products≤25 特殊要求产品:满足客户要求 Special products:meet the requirement customes |
耐热性能 Heat resistant | ℃ | ≥100 |
特点 Featsres | 材料高档、膜表面良好、光洁度很好。 Is an universal material and has the most excellent performance in appearanced and clear polyester film |
用途 Usage | 广泛用天各类标签材料,胶带,礼品包装材料的复合 Mainly usde as the lined for trademark label,tape,gift-wrapping ect. |