The Ultimate High-Speed Power Meter
The OE-200 Adjustable-Gain
Photoreceiver is designed for a wide range ofapplications that require the fast
measurement of low light levels. With itsmaximum bandwidth of 500 kHz it is
ideally suited for time resolvedmeasurements down to the sub μs-region, as fast
photo detector in industrial processcontrol and quality inspection systems and
as the optical front-end for lock-inamplifier systems. The OE-200 offers many more
features than usual power metersincluding selectable conversion gain from 103
to 1011 V/W, switchableAC/DC-coupling, and the capability of manual and
opto-isolated remote controlby a PC.
Adjustable Conversion Gain from 103
to 1011V/W
Equ. Input Noise down to 10 fW/√Hz
Bandwidth up to 500 kHz
Rise Time down to 700 ns
Calibration Traceable to NIST
Signal Filters
Manual and Remote Control
Exceptional Performance also in
Low-Speed and LowLight Level Applications
Besides the use in high speed
applications the OE-200 also shows topperformance when it comes to the
measurement of slow varying, continuos wave(cw) or low light level signals. The
low-noise multi-stage amplifier design andthe switchable 10 Hz lowpass filter
allows the precise measurements of lowoptical powers down to the 100 fW range
without the need for further averaging.
Calibration Traceable to NIST
The high stability and low drift of
the OE-200 ensures repeatable andconsistent measurements also in the highest
gain setting. Calibration traceableto NIST standards guarantees for reliable
and accurate results.
Fiber Alignment Systems
Fast Power Monitoring
Test of Laser-Diode to Fiber Coupling
Linearity Measurements over 10 Decades
Calibration of Optical Communication
Time-resolved Pulse and Power
;color:#111111'>Very Low Input Noise
Low input noise is very important for
a good signal-to-noise ratio, especially when amplifying small signals. All HVA
Amplifiers are optimized for minimum input noise reaching excellent values as
low as 0.9 nV/√Hz.