该产品为ABS材料注塑成型,外边再加烫金烫银,底部可贴EVA或者橡胶垫片,安装简易、使用方便,轻巧美观,能很好的提升整个产品档次。 Plastic foot pads are made from plastic ABS injection molding, and then processed with hotstamping; it can be stamped with EVA or rubber pads in the bottom; it’s easily to install,conveniently to use, light and artistic, which well upgrades the level of classiness. ================================================================= 全国免费咨询电话:400-097-1668 联系电话: 18929299593 尹经理 18002915338 尹副经理 18926825308 尹副经理 邮箱: gt2@heyingcn.com 尹经理 gt18@heyingcn,com 尹副经理 欢迎登陆禾盈官网(www.heyingcn.com)查看产品规格型号! |