深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司【吴伟生】与您分享{SMT富士贴片机配件—FUJI SPARE PARTS—NXT 系列机器配件}之 【NXT H12S头吸嘴】
产品名:NXT H12S头吸嘴

How to distinguish the original Fuji frequency flash
As we all know China is the world biggest of Fuji SMT machine and its accessories supply market, the favorable price and rich products attracted many Fuji customers both at home and abroad, but also appeared many generic Fuji products on the market, the more or less give us trouble when the choose and buy, and Fuji strongpoint as Fuji accessories in one of the main product, its imitations also uneven, that how to discern the original and copy? Let us KaiTa electromechanical teaches you how to distinguish the Fuji original strongpoint of DEEM5391
【频闪灯】,原装频闪灯 DEEM5391,凯拓机电由凯拓机电提供。我们是深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司(www.smtpark.cn)位于:广东 深圳 专业从事:SMT贴片机配件