供应杜邦打印全新深色T恤打底印前处理液 杜邦数码印花白色墨水前处理液 全新上市
数码纺织直印花美国杜邦白色墨水 彩色墨水 印花处理液 中国大陆总经销,诚招各地市经销商代理商 或与直接用户建立长期双赢合作 量大价优,欢迎来电垂询! 电话:021-60510805 手机:13816088508 在线咨询QQ: 302506933
杜邦纺织墨水(彩色墨水,白色墨水,深色印花前处理液 >>优点 >>样品展示 >>墨水测试 >>用户评价
DUPONT Textile Ink For Direct Digital Printing On Cotton Fabrics
影格推出的全新纺织品喷墨直印数码印花墨水,高品质美国原装进口涂料墨水,全棉深色印花白色墨水,已大量供应国内数码喷墨印花机用户.此原装进口纳米涂料墨水(含白墨),顶级品质,长期使用不堵喷头,是高品质数码(深色)直印花首选墨水,适合爱普生等微压电喷头,独代价格,相比市场供应的质次纺织墨水,本进口印花墨水能让您成本降更多,真正做到低成本实现高品质数码直印花.众多成功案例,随时欢迎您的来电垂询: TEL:021-60510805 QQ:302506933(在线咨询或留言)
Artistri® P5000+ Series Pigment Ink
Artistri® P5000+ Series Pigment Ink
* This ink is specially developed for direct-to-garment or roll-toroll digital printing on cotton or cotton rich blends for a wide variety of apparel and specialty applications.
* The brilliant aqueous-based ink is designed to work in printers with low-viscosity piezo-electric printheads and is suitable for high quality sampling, strike offs, and production printing.
* P5000+ series ink is formulated with the same colorants used in conventional textile printing and meets industry standard performance. The ink and pretreatment are integrated into a matched system that works together for optimum results. 北京数码直印花制造商,深圳纺织印花设备工厂,广州香港台湾澳门T恤直印店,T-shirt个性设计店墨水ink,高品质全棉直喷印花指定印花墨水供应商
注: 1.杜邦印花耗材有CMYK+W+P (W为白色墨水,P为面料印前处理液) 2.包装如有变动,恕不另行通知 >>用户评价
Direct printing on textiles. Achieve premium fastness with New YEECK inkjet inks from Dupont&BASF.
To learn more about all that Dupont and BASF has to offer please give us e-mail. yeeck@126.com
Our inks are developed specifically for the Epson Piezo printhead and are suitable for printing directly on 100% cotton fabrics.
without any pretreatment or steaming processes. It is a water based ink with accurate and vibrant colours on cotton fabrics. It can also work very well with polyester fabric in conjunction with YEECK 1 fabric coatings. It is suitable for household decorative fabric such as curtains, bedsheets, sofas covers, table clothes etc. In addition, It is also widely used in the fashion industry due to its widths of application.
Color inks for textile printing:
Packing : 100ml, 500ml, 1kg
Ink Colours : Cyan. Magenta, Yellow, Black
white ink for dark textile printing:
Packing : 1kg
Ink Colour : White Premium
Pre-treatment solution for printing on dark garments:
Packing : 1kg
印特原装进口白色印花墨水耗材,实现高品质低成本深色个性印花,欢迎订购试用! TEL:021-60510805 >>更多深色印花样品图
>>更多深色印花样品图 (我公司进口深色数码印花耗材,品质用图见证) >>浅色印花样品展示 >>成功案例(用户评价)
相比质次价低的印花墨水,使用我公司进口印花白墨更能做到单位印花成本低,订单交付按时,生产经营稳定.(流畅稳定、不损不堵喷头,这能得到更高的墨水有效使用率(即浪费更少),生产效率更高,相关维护费用更低,加上高品质印花品质输出,从而保障了在量产时有更低的印花成本并获得丰富回报) >>点击查看用户评价
QQ:844833887 302506933