1:单张式前缘自动送纸。适用多样式纸张尺寸 Sheet-fed front edge
feeder for various paper size
2:采用磁吸士侧档板来固定纸堆,灵活稳固 Magnetic side stops are
flexible and steady for paper
3:输送台滚珠设计,全方位压纸输送平稳纸张顺畅不歪斜The paper are conveyed straight-thru by pressure system
4:可调式上胶滚筒,使胶水均匀涂于纸张表面 Adjustable gluing rollers apply smooth gluing on the paper surface
5:循环式水槽,有温控系统,确保胶水适用粘度 The circular glue system with temperature assures the adequate glue
6:内建式清洗系统,5分钟内清洗完成 A built-in
washing system,cleans up within 5 minutes
7:输送带装置吸风系统,保证面纸平稳吸附在输送带上 Belt with suction system to keep the paper without any movement