AC 防爆插销(ⅡB、ⅡC) AC Explosion-Proof Latch (ⅡB、ⅡC) | | 
| 1. 爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区; 2. 可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. 温度组别:T1~T5; 4. 户内、户外 (IP54)。 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 pision、2 pision; 2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. Temperatures classification:T1~T5; 4. Indoor and outdoor(IP54). | | |
| | 1. 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑; 2. 插销与开关制成联锁结构,只有开关在断开位置时才能 插拔安全可靠; 3. 插座上设有防护盖,在插头拔脱后,防护盖将 插座遮蔽,以免外物侵入; 4. 钢管或电缆布线。 | 1. Diecasted of Al-alloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface; 2. The plug only can be pulled out after the switch is cutted with interlockstructure combined witch latch and switch, and on safety reliablity; 3. The socket is equipped with guard cover After pull out the plug, the guard cover will cover the socket to keep from foreign matter; 4. Steelpipe and cable wiring. | | |  | | 额定电流 Rated current (A) | 额定电压 Rated voltage(V) | 极数 Pole's number
| 防爆标志 Explosion- proofing marker | 防护等级 Protection category | 防腐等级 Corrosion-proofing grade | 进线口螺纹 Inlet's thread | 电缆外径(mm) Cable's outside diameter | 15, 32
| 220 380 | 1P+N+PE 3P+PE | ExdeⅡBT5
| IP54 | W, WF1, WF2 | G3/4 | Φ10~Φ15 | 16, 32 | ExdeⅡCT4 |

| 1. 爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区; 2. 可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. 温度组别:T1~T5; 4. 户内、户外 (IP54)。 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 pision、2 pision; 2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. Temperatures classification:T1~T5; 4. Indoor and outdoor(IP54). | | |
| | 1. 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑; 2. 插销与开关制成联锁结构,只有开关在断开位置时才能插拔安全可靠; 3. 插座上设有防护盖,在插头拔脱后,防护盖将插座遮蔽,以免外物侵入; 4. 钢管或电缆布线。 | | 1. Diecasted of Al-alloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface; 2. The plug only can be pulled out after the switch is cutted with interlock structure combined witch latch and switch, and on safety reliablity; 3. The socket is equipped with guard cover After pull out the plug, the guard cover will cover the socket to keep from foreign matter; 4. Steelpipe and cable wiring. |
| |  | | 额定电流 Rated current (A) | 额定电压 Rated voltage(V) | 极数 Pole's number
| 防爆标志 Explosion- proofing marker | 防护等级 Protection category | 防腐等级 Corrosion-proofing grade | 进线口螺纹 Inlet's thread | 电缆外径(mm) Cable's outside diameter | 63
| 220 380 | 1P+N+PE 3P+PE | ExdeⅡBT5
| IP54 | W, WF1, WF2 | G3/4 | Φ10~Φ15 | 63 | ExdeⅡCT4 |