我司生产的触摸屏机种编号 Product(Model No.): 21.5 英寸五线触摸屏
我司生产的透明轻触开关严格按照 ITO TOUCH PANEL 标准规范制作,经检验其性能均满足
Our Touch screen is strictly manufactured according to your request. We promise
it’s performance meet the following standard specifications. Hereon, We need your
company approval to our product. Please sign the file as your technical approva
2. 规格 Specification
2.1 结构材料 Material applied
NO. | 产品结构 Product structure | 材 质 Material | 备 注 Remarks |
1 | 上电极 upper circuit | ITO FILM(雾面) | 0.188mm |
2 | 下电极 lower circuit | ITO GLASS | 3.0mm |
3 | 线 键 spacer | Adhesive | 0.1mm |
4 | 连接线 tail | FPC | 单面板,镀金 |
2.2机械尺寸 Mechanical size
NO. | 项 目 Item | 规 格 Specification | 单 位unit |
1 | 外 形 Outline | 492±0.50×289±0.50 | mm |
2 | 可视区 View area | 479.5±0.30× 271±0.30 | mm |
3 | 动作区 Active area | 474 ±0.30× 266±0.30 | mm |
4 | 厚 度 Total thickness | 3.2±0.15 | mm |
3. 特性 Characteristics
3.1 环境特性 Environmental characteristics
NO. | 项 目 Item | 规 格 Specification |
1 | 操作温度Operation temperature | -10℃~+60℃ |
2 | 保存温度Storage temperature | -20℃~+70℃ |
3.2 电气特性 Electrical characteristics
NO. | 项 目 Item | 项 目 Item | 备 注 Remarks |
1 | 操作荷重 Operating force | 20-150g | R0.8 手写笔 |
2 | 表面硬度 Hardness of surface | ≥4H | JISK5400 |
3 | 透光率 Light Transmission | ≥78% | |
4 | FPC 弯折 Bending | 弯曲半径1.0mm,3 次以上 | 满足3.2 |
5 | FPC 剥离强度 FPC peeling strength | 水平180 度方向,0.5kgf 10 分钟不剥离 | 满足3.2 |
4. 信赖性测试 Reliability test
NO. | 项 目 Item | 项 目 Item | 备 注 Remarks |
1 | 高温测试 High temperature storage | 70℃, 120hr | |
2 | 低温测试 Low temperature storage | -30℃, 120hr | |
3 | 高温高湿测试 High temperature high Humidity storage | 70℃,90%RH,120hr | |
4 | 温度冲击测试 Temperature Cycling | -20±2℃ — 70±2℃ (1.0hr each),20cycles | |
5 | 打点寿命 Input life | >5,000,000 次 (Tip R0.8mm | |
6 | 划线测试 lineation test | >1,000,000 次 (Tip R0.8mm) | |
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