标准喷码机的体积和重量都很大、即使加装喷头手持装置、喷码机移动装置,使用起来也极不方便,而且效率也不高。EBS250型手持喷码机的出现,无疑对因为这些问题困扰的企业是个喜讯。EBS250天津手持喷码机,EBS-250天津手持喷码机,EBS 250天津手持油墨喷码机。EBS250手持喷码机顾名思义是可以用手握持的喷码机,改变了标准喷码机的货动机不动的状态,实现了机动货不动的突破。EBS250手持喷码机不仅小巧,精致,灵活操作,设备可以实现整套移动,方便了运输产品的喷印。
We offer comprehensive solutions for all your product marking, labelling and coding needs. Our non-contact systems facilitate the fast printing of texts, graphic images and barcodes as well as the dating, numbering, coding and printing of data transferre from computers and external devices such as automatic scales, barcode readers and control equipment. By using the latest non-contact printing technology, firm print marking can be produced on a variety of material and surface types-even on coarse or porous surfaces or those containing depressions or protrusions. Our print-heads comprise between1and352nozzles. Their output varies in height from1.5mm to about115mm and is produced using between 5 and 64 independent dots.