Aerotech的Wafermax T 转台是那些要求低矮外形封装同时又具备高性能的应用的理想选择。原型设计用于晶片检查,Wafermax T 转台与其它平台紧密堆叠误差极小的优点适用于多种应用。当需要有限转动的时候,标准的25mm通孔易于布置真空线路。
直径:106.7 mm
精度:±5 arc sec
负载:40 kg
Aerotech ABRS系列空气轴承精密直驱转台提供出色的角度定位,速度稳定性和无误差运动性能,并且拥有非常低矮的外形。
● 直驱无刷无槽伺服电机
● 非机械接触
● 零齿槽效应电机带来显著的速度稳定性
● 显著的无误差无抖动运动特性
● 直接耦合的高精度编码器
● 扁平设计的低矮外形
● 直径:128.1-278.1 mm
● 分辨率: 0.036-0.18 arc-sec
● 双向重复性:< 1 arc-sec
● 定位精度:±2 arc-sec
The design of the ABRS series direct-drive rotary stage has been optimized to minimize stage height. The low profile of the stage reduces the effective working height of the system, minimizing "stack-up" related errors. In addition to the low overall height, the ABRS series provides a clear aperture that can be used for product feed-through, laser beam delivery, cable clearance or application-specific requirements.
The ABRS design features large air-bearing surfaces for high stiffness and load capacity, producing not only excellent axial and radial error motions but outstanding tilt error motion, as well. The resultant face error motion is significantly better than other rotary air-bearing tables and spindles, greatly benefiting applications requiring exceptional planar performance.
To maximize positioning performance, the ABRS series utilizes Aerotech s S-series slotless, brushless motor. The motor uses an advanced magnetic circuit design to produce high torque output with minimal heat generation. The slotless design is inherently zero-cogging and torque ripple-free. This makes ABRS stages ideal for applications requiring smooth scan velocities at low or high speeds.
An optical encoder is standard with the ABRS. When coupled with Aerotech s feedback multipliers and controls, resolutions of <0.03 arc second are achievable.
Custom versions of the ABRS are available for rate table and inertial guidance test-stand applications.
● 高扭矩输出,直接驱动,无槽无刷伺服电机
● 零齿槽效应电机提供优秀的速度稳定性
● 卓越的无误差运动和摆动性能
● 直接耦合的高精确度旋转编码器
● 大口径通孔
● 无机械接触
The ABRT design features large air-bearing surfaces and innovative preloading for high stiffness and load capacity, producing not only excellent axial and radial error motions, but outstanding tilt error motion, as well. The resultant performance is significantly better than other rotary air-bearing tables and spindles, greatly benefiting applications requiring exceptional planar performance. Furthermore, this stage family provides a clear aperture that can be used for product feed-through, laser beam delivery, cable clearance or application-specific requirements.
To maximize positioning performance, the ABRT series utilizes optimized versions of Aerotech S-series slotless, brushless motor. The motor uses an advanced magnetic circuit design to produce high torque output with minimal heat generation. The slotless design is inherently zero-cogging and torque-ripple-free. This makes ABRT stages ideal for applications requiring smooth scan velocities at low or high speeds.
An optical encoder is standard with the ABRT. When coupled with Aerotech feedback multipliers and controls, resolutions of <0.03 arc second are achievable.
Custom Designs
Custom versions of the ABRT are available to satisfy rate table and high precision inertial guidance test-stand applications. Other features, such as slip rings and rotary unions, are available.
Aerotech manufactures a wide range of servo amplifiers and advanced controllers to provide a complete, integrated package.
Aerotech 的 ARA1000 旋转执行器代表了显著的突破性应用,如平板显示器处理加工所要求的大型有效载荷的联接方式。高负载惯量多轴系统可能遭受机械不稳定,限制整机生产效率。ARA1000 通过专利设计,显著提高了平台刚性,消除了这个问题。ARA1000转台采用了标准的57.2毫米通孔,它可以很容易地穿过真空线路。台面包括一个标准的安装模式,其允许非常容易地进行卡盘安装。● 高承载能力
● 高刚性
● 直接驱动无刷无槽伺服电机
● 大孔径
● 与AVL1000升降平台轻松配置多轴应用
The ARA1000 utilizes large air-bearing surfaces for high stiffness and load capacity in a low profile design.Cable management is a snap with integral motor power and feedback connectors. Because the ARA1000 is a self-contained unit, it can be integrated easily into multi-stage stacks. Either a service loop or an integrated Aerotech cable management system (CMS) can be provided for a highly reliable solution.
To maximize positioning performance, the ARA1000 utilizes Aerotech’s S-series brushless, slotless motor. This motor has all of the advantages of a brushless direct-drive motor — no brushes to wear, no gear trains to maintain and high acceleration and high speeds. Since it is a slotless, ironless design, there is zero cogging, meaning that there is absolutely no torque ripple. This makes the ARA1000 ideal for applications requiring outstanding contoured motion or precise incremental steps. Zero backlash makes the ARA1000 the ideal solution for applications requiring frequent directional changes.
Performance is assured with a 150-line-per-degree encoder that results in 0.012 arc sec resolution. The motor and high-performance rotary encoder are directly coupled to a common shaft.
Aerotech manufactures a wide range of servo amplifiers and advanced controllers to provide a complete, integrated package.
ABRT系列空气轴承精密直驱转台 | ABRT Air-Bearing Direct-Drive Rotary Stage | ABRT精密气浮转台
Aerotech的 ABRT 系列空气轴承精密直驱转台提供卓越的角度定位,速度稳定性和无误差运动性能,并且拥有令人印象深刻的有效负载能力及出色的轴向和径向刚性。该ABRT精密转台是专为满足DVD母盘,晶圆检测,高精度测量应用,X射线衍射系统,光学检测和制造,以及微型机电系统(MEMS)/纳米器件制造的严格要求。
更多技术问题请联系Aerotech工程师: 陈杨 157 0129 8260 AEROTECH精密转台说明: 自1970年Aerotech开始研制最高性能的运动控制产品和精密定位系统,这些产品广泛应用于世界范围内的工业制造、政府及自然科学研究等行业。Aerotech能够为生命科学及医学设备,半导体加工,光子学,数据存储,激光应用,电子产品制造、测试及装配等行业的研究和发展,以及其他需要高精度、高自动化水平的解决方案提供满足市场应用苛刻要求的高性能精密运动控制产品。 Aerotech承诺始终如一的提高我们的产品性能和服务能力的附加价值,我们的座右铭是:Dedicated to the Science of Motion。
ABRT-34E-B010 详情请联系AEROTECH精密转台销售工程师: ABRT超精密气浮转台 ALAR直驱旋转平台1.5种不同的孔径尺寸:100mm,150mm,200mm,250mm,325mm ABRT气浮转台-34E-A010 |
Aerotech精密转台的详细描述: 自1970年Aerotech开始研制最高性能的运动控制产品和精密定位系统,这些产品广泛应用于世界范围内的工业制造、政府及自然科学研究等行业。Aerotech能够为生命科学及医学设备,半导体加工,光子学,数据存储,激光应用,电子产品制造、测试及装配等行业的研究和发展,以及其他需要高精度、高自动化水平的解决方案提供满足市场应用苛刻要求的高性能精密运动控制产品。 ADR系列直接驱动精密转台提供精确的角度定位和速度控制。 应用范围包括高速激光加工和硅片精密检测。 特点: 自1970年Aerotech开始研制最高性能的运动控制产品和精密定位系统,这些产品广泛应用于世界范围内的工业制造、政府及自然科学研究等行业。Aerotech能够为生命科学及医学设备,半导体加工,光子学,数据存储,激光应用,航空和国防,电子产品制造、测试及装配等行业的研究和发展,以及其他需要高精度、高自动化水平的解决方案提供满足市场应用苛刻要求的高性能精密运动控制产品。 |