Agilent E8267D PSG矢量信号发生器 主要特性与技术指标信号特征100 kHz 至 20、31.8 或 44 GHz(0.001 Hz 分辨率)可扩展至 75、90、110、140、220、325 或 500 GHz――毫米波信号源模块输出功率:0.4 至 20 GHz 时,+23 dBm;40 GHz 时,+18 dBm(典型值)160 MHz(可扩展至 2 GHz)射频调制带宽配有选件 UNY,具有业界最佳的 SSB 相位噪声:1 GHz 信号和 10 kHz 偏置时,相位噪声为 -143 dBc/Hz(典型值)调制和扫描AM、FM、?M 和脉冲ASK、FSK、MSK、PSK、QAM 、定制 I/Q步进扫描、列表扫描和斜波扫描频率和功率使用 PSA 系列选件 215 进行信号源控制基带生成和信号生成内置基带发生器(80 MHz 射频带宽):任意波形和实时 I/Q 信号兼容宽带(1 GHz)N6030A 任意波形发生器生成参考信号:雷达、多频声、NPR、定制调制、WLAN、GPS/GNSS、MATLAB 等――信号生成使用 N5106A PXB 基带发生器和信道仿真器提供多信道基带生成、数字 I/O、MIMO 衰落和射频至射频衰落自动和通信接口10BaseT LAN 和 GPIBSCPI 和 IVI-COM 驱动程序后向兼容所有PSG信号发生器 先进的微波信号发生器业界第一款具有以下特性的综合微波矢量信号发生器:I/Q 调制范围高达 44 GHz;在高达 20 GHz 的频率范围内输出功率达到 +23 dBm 典型值;在 10 GHz 信号和 10 kHz 频偏条件下相位噪声为 -120 dBc/Hz先进宽带内部基带发生器灵活的任意波形回放复杂的实时信号生成内置宽带 I/Q 调制器能够提供高达 2 GHz 的射频调制带宽,辅助 Agilent N6030A 独立宽带任意波形发生器进行高达 1 GHz 射频带宽 I/Q 波形仿真的最佳伴侣极大简化为航空航天、国防、卫星通信和宽带无线行业中的设计与制造测试应用生成复杂调制信号的过程定制 PSG 满足用户需求您可为当前的射频和微波测试应用软件定制 PSG,同时随着未来需求变化轻松升级。此外,您还利用各种可选的增强特性对 E8267D PSG 进行最佳配置,从而满足各种应用(从失真测试到基带编码算法开发以及高级数字微波收发信机设计验证等)的需求。 E8267D-003 PSG digital output connectivity with N5102AE8267D-004 PSG digital input connectivity with N5102AE8267D-007 Analog ramp sweepE8267D-009 Removable flash memoryE8267D-016 Wideband differential external I/Q inputsE8267D-0BW 印刷版《装配级服务指南》E8267D-1A7 Calibration + Uncertainties + GuardbandingE8267D-1CM Rackmount flange kitE8267D-1CN Front handle kitE8267D-1CP Rackmount flange with front handle kitE8267D-1CR Rack slide kitE8267D-1ED Type-N (f) RF output connectorE8267D-1EH Improved harmonics below 2 GHzE8267D-1EM Moves all front panel connectors to the rear panelE8267D-403 Calibrated AWGN, fixed perpetual licenseE8267D-409 GPS single satellite personality, fixed perpetual licenseE8267D-423 Scenario generator for MS-GPS, fixed perpetual licenseE8267D-520 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 20 GHzE8267D-532 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 31.8 GHzE8267D-544 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 44 GHzE8267D-602 Internal baseband generator, 64 MSa memoryE8267D-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 CalibrationE8267D-AMG Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)E8267D-H18 Wideband Modulation less than 3.2 GHzE8267D-H1G Provides 1GHz In and Out to minimize phase drift for frequency between 250KHz - 250MHzE8267D-H1S Provides 1 GHz in and out on the rear panelE8267D-HCC Provides 250MHz - 10GHz in and out on the rear panelE8267D-LIC License CD-ROME8267D-SP1 Signal Studio for Jitter injection, fixed perpetual licenseE8267D-SP2 Provides dynamic sequencing capability in the E8267DE8267D-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test dataE8267D-UNT AM, FM, phase modulation, and LF outputE8267D-UNU Pulse modulationE8267D-UNW Narrow pulse modulationE8267D-UNX Ultra-low phase noise performanceE8267D-UNY Enhanced ultra low phase noise1CM014A Rackmount Flange Kit 177.0mm H (4U) - Two Flange Brackets, Four Hole Plugs1CP006A Rackmount Flange and Handle kit 177.0mm H (4U) - Brackets, Handles, Hole PlugsN6171A MATLAB SoftwareN6171A-M01 MATLAB-Basic Package, inpidual license - node-lockedN6171A-M02 MATLAB-Standard Package, inpidual license - node-lockedN6171A-M03 MATLAB-Advanced Package, inpidual license - node-lockedN7600B Signal Studio for W-CDMA/HSPA+N7600B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating licenseN7600B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-9FP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-9TP Connect to M9381A and M9252A, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-EFP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-ENP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, floating licenseN7600B-ETP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA R7, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-FFP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-FNP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, floating licenseN7600B-FTP Basic W-CDMA / HSPA+ R8, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-LIC License CD-ROMN7600B-MEF Minor enhancement updateN7600B-MEU Minor enhancement updateN7600B-QFP Advanced W-CDMA / HSPA+ R10, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-QNP Advanced W-CDMA / HSPA+ R10, floating licenseN7600B-QTP Advanced W-CDMA / HSPA+ R10, transportable perpetual licenseN7600B-WFP Advanced W-CDMA/HSPA+ real-time R8 UL, fixed perpetual licenseN7600B-WTP Advanced W-CDMA/HSPA+ real-time R8 UL, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B Signal Studio for cdma2000/1xEV-DON7601B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating licenseN7601B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-EFP Basic cdma2000, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-ENP Basic cdma2000, floating licenseN7601B-ETP Basic cdma2000, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-FFP Basic 1xEV-DO, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-FNP Basic 1xEV-DO, floating licenseN7601B-FTP Basic 1xEV-DO, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-LIC License CD-ROMN7601B-QFP Advanced cdma2000, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-QNP Advanced cdma2000, floating licenseN7601B-QTP Advanced cdma2000, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-RFP Advanced 1xEV-DO, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-RNP Advanced 1xEV-DO, floating licenseN7601B-RTP Advanced 1xEV-DO, transportable perpetual licenseN7601B-SNP Advanced 1xEV-DO enhancement, floating licenseN7601B-WFP Advanced cdma2000 real-time UL, fixed perpetual licenseN7601B-WTP Advanced cdma2000 real-time UL, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B Signal Studio for GSM/EDGE/EvoN7602B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating licenseN7602B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-9FP Connect to M9381A, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-9TP Connect to M9381A, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-EFP Basic GSM/EDGE, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-ENP Basic GSM/EDGE, floating licenseN7602B-ETP Basic GSM/EDGE, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-FFP Basic EDGE Evo, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-FNP Basic EDGE Evo, floating licenseN7602B-FTP Basic EDGE Evo, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-LIC License CD-ROMN7602B-QFP Advanced GSM/EDGE/Evo, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-QNP Advanced GSM/EDGE/Evo, floating licenseN7602B-QTP Advanced GSM/EDGE/Evo, transportable perpetual licenseN7602B-WFP Advanced GSM/EDGE real-time, fixed perpetual licenseN7602B-WTP Advanced GSM/EDGE real-time, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B Signal Studio for BluetoothN7606B-1FP Connect to E4438C ESG, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-1TP Connect to E4438C ESG, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-2FP Connect to E8267D PSG, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-2TP Connect to E8267D PSG, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-3FP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-3TP Connect to N5182/62 MXG, N5172 EXG, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-6FP Connect to N5106A PXB, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-6TP Connect to N5106A PXB, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-7FP Connect to simulation software, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-7NP Connect to simulation software, floating licenseN7606B-8FP Connect to E6607 EXT, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-8TP Connect to E6607 EXT, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-9FP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-9TP Connect to M9381A or E6630A, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-LIC License CD-ROMN7606B-MEF Minor enhancement update for floating optionsN7606B-MEU Minor enhancement updateN7606B-QFP Advanced Bluetooth V 1.1, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-QNP Advanced Bluetooth V 1.1, floating licenseN7606B-QTP Advanced Bluetooth V 1.1, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-RFP Advanced Bluetooth V 2.1+EDR, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-RNP Advanced Bluetooth V 2.1+EDR, floating licenseN7606B-RTP Advanced Bluetooth V 2.1+EDR, transportable perpetual licenseN7606B-SFP Advanced Bluetooth Low Energy, fixed perpetual licenseN7606B-SNP Advanced Bluetooth Low Energy, floating licenseN7606B-STP Advanced Bluetooth Lo