SOLA 电源 SDN10-24-100C ,SOLA 中国总代理 ,上海芳峰机电设备有限公司 欢迎您的来电咨询!
美国SOLA HEVI-DUTYSDN10-24-100C DIN导轨式电源 240W 24V 10A
产品描述 | 产品型号 |
SDN 5-24-100C | SDN 10-24-100C | SDN 20-24-100C |
输入 |
额定电压 | 115/230 Vac |
-AC 交流电压 | 85 - 264 Vac |
-DC 直流电压 | 90 - 375 Vdc |
-频率 | 43 - 67 Hz |
额定电流 | 1.65 - 0.55 A | 3.2 - 1.0 A | 6 A / 3 A |
-最大值电流 | Typ. < 15 A | Typ.< 30 A | < 40 A |
效率 (Losses 3) | > 90% typ. (12 W) | > 90% typ. (24 W) | > 92% (38 W) |
功率因数校正 | Active power factor correction to better than 0.92 |
Output |
额定电压 | 24 V (23.5~28.5 Vdc Adj.) |
-公差 | < ±2 % overall (combination Line, load, time and temperature related changes) |
初始电压设置 | 24.5 V ± 1% |
-波纹4 | < 50 mVpp | <100 mVpp |
最大峰值电压 | PARD (Periodic and Random Deviation) = 100 mV peak-peak max |
过载保护电压 | > 30.5 but < 33 Vdc, auto recovery |
免疫功率 | < 35 V |
额定电流、功率 | 5 A (120 W) | 10 A (240 W) | 20 A (480 W) |
-峰值电流 | 1.5 × Nominal Current for 2 seconds minimum while holding voltage > 20 Vdc |
-短路电流 | 1.5 x Nominal Current at near zero volts at short circuit condition |
-电流限制 | PowerBoost™ |
并联工作 | Switch selectable single unit or parallel unit operation. Units will not be damaged by parallel operation (regardless of switch position setting). |
保持时间 | >20 ms (Full load, 100 Vac Input @ T =+25°C) to 95% output voltage amb |
电压下降时间 | <150 mS from 95% to 10% rated voltage @ full load (T =+25°C) amb |
线性和负载调整 | < 0.5% |
长度(mm) | 4.85 × 1.97 × 4.36 (123.0 × 50.0 × 110.0) | 4.85 × 2.36 × 4.36 (123.0 × 60.0 × 110.0) | 4.85 x 3.42 x 4.98 (123.0 x 87.0 x 127.0) |
重量(kg) | 1.1 (0.50) | 1.7 (0.80) | 2.6 (1.20) |