产品名称 Product name | 土豆粉 Potato Powder | 执行标准 Execute Standard | 企业标准 Enterprise Standard |
包装形式 Packaging | 内20㎏×1铝箔复合袋/外纸箱 Inner20kg×1Aluminium Foil Compound Wrapper/Outside Carton |
内5.0㎏×2铝箔复合袋/外纸箱 Inner5.0kg×2Aluminium Foil Compound Wrapper/Outside Carton |
内10.0㎏×1铝箔复合袋/外纸箱 Inner10.0kg×1Aluminium Foil Compound Wrapper/Outside Carton |
项目 Items | 标准 Standard |
内容 Content | 色泽 color and luster | 呈一致的乳白色 Uniform milk white |
感官指标 Sensory characteristics | 滋味与气味 Flavor&Aroma | 具有土豆应有的滋味、气味,无异味 Typical potato flavor and aroma, no anomalous smell. |
组织形态 Organize form | 疏松、均匀一致的粉末状 Loosen and uniform powder |
杂质 Impurity | 无肉眼可见外来杂质 No extra impurity in naked eye |
理化指标 Physical & Chemical characteristics | 水分% water | ≤5.0 |
粒度 Granularity | 80~120目 80~120Mesh |
砷(以As计)mg/kg Arsenic (as As) | ≤0.5 |
铅(以Pb计)mg/kg Plumbum (as Pb) | ≤1.0 |
铜(以Cu计)mg/kg Cuprum (as Cu) | ≤5.0 |
微生物指标 Microbiological characteristics | 细菌总数(cfu/g) Total Plate Count | ≤1000 |
大肠菌群(MPN/100g) Coliforms | ≤40 |
霉菌计数(cfu/g) Mould count | ≤50 |
致病菌 Pathogenic Bacterium | 不得检出 N.D |