SET-50及胶帽TC-3,Sharp Edge Tester/SET-50/ tc-3的详细描述:
The Sharp Edge Testeris the leader in product safety equipment, currently in use worldwide bymanufacturers of toys, home appliances, business equipment, automobile manufacturers, home appliances, every item used in the kitchen, and much more. With so much concern over the safety of products to be used in the home, Underwriter’s Laboratories has issued standards to test edge sharpness on a variety of consumer products. Technical Engineering Service (TES)is the original and only manufacturer of the Sharp Edge Tester Model SET-50. If you are concerned about the safety and sharpness of your product and want to meet international standards as set by UL and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, then you need to order the Sharp Edge Tester and Tape Cap Kit for use on your production line. The Sharp Edge Tester Model SET-50 is extremely easy to use and durable. It consists of a clam-shell type housing which fits into the palm of a hand. Features include a compact arm, sealed ball bearings to reduce friction, and a new spring to meet the latest Underwriter’s Laboratories force requirements. All moving mechanisms are protected against dirt and breakage. The Sharp Edge Tester is used with the available Tape Cap Kit which simulates the thickness of skin on the human finger.