牌号 Trademark | 硬度 Haesness(HRC) | 化学成分(%) Chemicai composition(wt%) | 典型用途 application | 使用方法 Using method |
Fe30 | 30 | CO.2,Si3,B1.5,Cr6,Ni28,Bal,Fe | 抗疲劳优良,用于承受反复冲击的硬度不高的场合 WIth favoradle antifaingue propetly,applicable for circumstance under repeated impact but with low hardness requirement | |
Fe45 | 45 | CO.6,Si3,B2.Cr12,Ni20,W3,Bal,Fe | 用于阀门,密封面及机械的易磨损部位的修复 For repair of sealing face of avlve and vulnerable parts of machine | 火焰/等离子/激光 FLSP/PSP/LBW |
Fe55 | 55 | C1.2,Si3,5,B2.6,Cr22,Ni15 Bal,Fe | 修复耙片,锄齿,石油钻杆接头,刮板轴 For repair of harrow piece shovel tooth,pefroleum drilling rod joint and scraaper shaft |
Fe60 | 60 | C1.5,Si3,5,B3,Cr35,Ni15 Bal,Fe |
Fe55T | 55 | C0.8,B1.5,Si2.0,Cr14,Ni16 Bal,Fe | 兼具抗磨抗裂性能,摩擦系数低,专用于石油钻杆耐磨带喷焊 For repair of harrow piece shovel tooth,pefroleum drilling rod joint and scraaper shaft | 等离子/激光 PSP/LBW |