HP822 老化光衰测试仪
- LED在做老化光衰测试时需要长时间的点亮,每间隔一定时间进行一次光衰数据记录,费时费力。HP822在设置好采样时间间隔后,可自动进行光衰数据记录,并保存在仪器内部,老化时间周期完成后,通过RS-232串口与电脑连接,光衰测试软件读出光衰数据并绘制光衰曲线。
- 老化时间和光衰数据断电自动保存,来电继续工作。
HP822 LED aging and optical attenuation tester
Traditionally it is required to record photo attenuation data for a long time, now you are free for HP822 can help you to solve this problem. It can save all the data after sample interval preset, and output them via RS-232 interface after work finished. The application software can read the data, can draw the curve according.
Characteristics and specifications:
Forward current preset: 0.1mA-800mA (2A for special order)
Range of forward voltage: 0.1V-20.00V
Range of luminous intensity: 1mcd-3000cd
Range of luminous flux: 1mlm-999lm (depends on the size of integrating sphere)
Accuracy of photometer: class1
Accuracy of electricity: class0.5
Aging time: 9999h59m59s
Tolerance of time: ±1s/10h
Record time: 16000times
Hold data automatically when the power is off and continue to work automatically when the power is turn on