●完善的电子保护路线,具有开机软启动、过载保护、短路保护、自激保护、过热保护、开关 机静音、DC直流保护等功能,确保安全可靠。
●功放线路采用全平衡低失真高速Hi-Fi型放大路线,并在功放输入端设置了丰富实用的小信号 处理器,滤除了次低频
●电信号和超高频电信号,使谐波失真和噪音都大大降低提供细腻、纯美、丰满的音频解析 力,高保真放大,音频信号平滑流畅原汁原味的流露。
●Perfect circuit protected for: over loal short circuit, self-excitation, over temperature, mute for ON/OFF,DC output, for sure can be worked in high invoice for long time safely.
●Amplify line with full balanced low distortion and high speed Hi-Fistyle,set a small signal pcocessor in amplify input, filering low and high frequencty singna to reduce distorion and noise Exquisite,pure and full sound scaner, with frequency Hi-Fi amplity.
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