产品名称:Wii U 电源适配器 Wii U火牛 充电器WII U 直充
适用范围:Wii U主机
•1. Scope (概述)
•The document details the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications of a SMPS,
•the power supply provides 75 W continuous output power.
•资料详细描述了一款75 W(连续输出功率)开关电源的电气性,结构性及环境等要求
•□SMPS Adaptor(Wall mount)/插墙式适配器
■SMPS Adaptor(Desk-top)/桌面型适配器
•□Open Frame/开放式结构
□SMPS Unit (With Case)/带铁壳型
•2. Electrical Characteristic (电气特性)
•2.1 Test Circuit (测试电路)
•If the test is to be made on a specified circuit, be sure to use the following circuit.
•Input Characteristics(输入特性)
•3.1. Input Voltage & Frequency(输入电压与频率)
•The range of input voltage is from 100Vac to 240Vac with a singlephase.
•(输入电压范围:从100Vac 到240Vac, 单相输入.)
3.2 Input Current(AC输入电流)
Maximum steady state input current is1400 mA(Max)Measured at 100~240Vac input and maximum load.
(100~240 Vac满载时输入电流1400 mA(最大))
3.3 Peak Inrush Current (峰值输入电流)
With cold starting, the peak inrush current should less than 27A.
3.4 Efficiency(效率)
78% min. measured at 100Vac~240Vac input voltage, maximum load and include the DC cable loss.
(在输入电压100Vac -240Vac,输出最大负荷下,充电器工作效率大于78%)
4. Output Characteristics(输出特性)
4.1 Static Output Characteristics <Vo & R+N>(静态输出特性<输出&纹波+噪音
Ripple & Noise: Tested by a oscilloscope using 20MHz bandwidth and theoutput is paralleled a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor and a 10uF electrolysiscapacitor. (Under the input Voltage 100~240Vac)
•(纹波与噪声: 量测时示波器选用20MHz 带宽限制,输出端要并联一颗0.1uF 的陶瓷电容和一颗10uF 的电解电容(输入电压100~240Vac)
•4.2 CC Mode,Rated Output Current (CC模式,额定输出电流)
•The output current will be performed from 5000mA when100~240Vac inputAC voltage.
•4.3 LED Indicate Function (LED 指示功能)
NO LED Indicate
•4.4 Rated Power (额定功率) Ripple & Noise: Tested by a oscilloscope using20MHz bandwidth and the output is paralleled a 0.1uF ceramic capacitorand a 10uF electrolysis capacitor. (Under the input Voltage 100~240Vac)
•(纹波与噪声: 量测时示波器选用20MHz 带宽限制,输出端要并联一颗0.1uF 的陶瓷电容和一颗10uF 的电解电容(输入电压100~240Vac)
•4.2 CC Mode,Rated Output Current (CC模式,额定输出电流)
•The output current will be performed from 5000mA when100~240Vac inputAC voltage.
•4.3 LED Indicate Function (LED 指示功能)