灰卡是專為攝影需要所設計製造的。目前市面上所能買到的標準灰卡,以柯達公司(KODAK)發行的較常見。它是一塊8×10英吋(或4×5英吋)的硬厚紙板,其中一面是中灰度無彩色,另一面則是純白。灰色面反射率為18%(±1%),白色面則反射90%的光線。灰卡兩面均塗佈霧面保護膜層,用以減少反光及避免各種污損。柯達灰卡又稱「柯達中灰度測試卡」簡稱「灰卡」。 KODAK 灰卡特色 建立正確穩定的色彩及曝光。 內含: 8 X 10 吋 1張 4 X 5 吋 1張
KODAK Gray Card Plus
KODAK and The Munsell Color Services Lab of X-Rite, Inc. have partnered to create an additional workflow calibration target for your arsenal of color management tools - the enhanced KODAK Gray Card Plus. The high quality, precision manufactured target has all the benefits of the original *KODAK Gray Card Plus and incorporates a new design that makes it easier for colorists to see the black and white level settings on a telecine waveform monitor. Additionally, the new Gray Card will improve the edge-to-edge uniformity of the gray patch when exposing film with "off angle" lighting.
The new target incorporates the world renowned Munsell primary (R,G,B) and complementary (C,M,Y) color patches, as well as a light and dark skin tone. All of these colors are taken from the ColorChecker target which has been used for over 30 years to verify image quality. The digital code values (sRGB) for each patch will be located on the backside of the target, making it easy for digital manipulation, either on a telecine, or using a color management application, such as Adobe Photoshop.
The introduction of this new color management target is aimed at various markets including; but, not limited to, cinematographers, professional and advanced amateur still photographers.
*. Munsell 18% Reflectance (Gray) Neutral Patch, Munsell 3.1% Reflectance (Black) Neutral Patch, Munsell 90% Reflectance (White) Neutral Patch
Users Guide
In addition to the specific instructions for your application, reading the entire guide will give you a better understanding of exposure evaluation and transfer control using the Kodak gray card plus