Water-proof Lifting Button Switches of COBP- series are precisely improved on the same kind of foreign products.They have artisticappearance, rational design and advanced techn-ical competence. Varied sets of functional buttons have been manufactured to complete fun-ctions.To meet the demand of the circuit, different sets of functional buttons can be selected reely to fit out a switch platform, whichis favourableto different users. The products are noted for their plastic outer casing, rational design,large capacith trigg-ers and|ong service life expectancy. They are lightand handy to hold. Equipped with rubber protective casings and waterproof seals, the products have gained a satisfactory dust-proof and water-proof performance.Their protective function reaches Grade IP-65. This is why our products are especially suitable for using in the open airencroached upon by rain or snow and in the situation in which they are operated by wet hands,such as in the remote control of lifters and electric bloCks. GB/4048 . 2001 and EN60947-5-1:1997.
型号及含义 Models and Meaning *1控制电源开关组 A一急停 ×:旋柄 Y:锁钮 *1 Sets of power control switches A-sudden stop X:handle Y:Key
控制功能代号及电气原理图(表一) Functional codes of buttons and electric diagram(see fig.)