产品标准 standard 本产品按GB12706《额定电压35KV铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电力电缆》标准生产,同时还可根据用户需要按国际电工委员会推荐标准IEC、英国标准、德国标准及美国标准生产。The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706、IEC.BS,DIN and ICEA upon request. 适用范围 Applications 本产品适用于工频额定电压0.6/1KV及以下配电网或工业装置中固定敷设之用。 The product is suitable for use in power distribution lines or fixed installations with rated power- frequency voltage up to and including 0.6/1Kv. 使用特性 Operating characteridtles ·工频额定UO/U为0.6/1KV。 Rated power –frequency voltage UO/U为0.6/1KV。 电缆导体允许长期最高工作温度为90℃。 Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃. 短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超过250℃。 Max.short –circuit temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250℃(5s maximum duration ). 电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于0℃。 The ambient temperature under installation should not below 0℃. 电缆弯曲半径:不小于电缆外径的15倍。 The bending radius should not less than 15 times of cable diameter. 电缆的型号 Type of cable
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生产范围Production Range of Cable
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*单芯铠装电缆仅用于直流系统,若用于交流系统,应采用非磁性材料铠装或隔磁措施。 |