LBG1-630/3.3 矿用隔爆型高压电缆连接器(包含插头、插座、中间连接器)适用于煤矿井下、露天矿或周围有煤尘、甲烷等爆炸性混合气体的环境中,可作为电缆间连接耦合装置或电缆与设备的连接装置,如高低压组合开关,移动变压器,用户可选择四根或者八根控制线,电缆最大可接240mm²。
LBG1-630/3.3 mine flameproof high-voltage cable connector (with plug and socket, middle connector)issuitable for the coal mine,pit,or surrounded by explosive mixed gas environments ,such as coal dust,methane,can be used as a connection between cable coupling device or cable connected to the equipment of the device,such as high and low pressure combianton swich,move the transformer,the user can coose four or eight control line ,cable can connect 240mm² biggest.