公司地址: 东营市东营区泰西巷10-2号(黄河路和太行山路交口,黄河路百货大楼对面,九州事务所四楼)
Dongying Bangmang Human Resources, Ltd. is a registed company approved by Municipal Industry and Commerce Administration and certificated by both the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shandong Provincial and that ofDongyingCity.
Main services including: labor dispatching, service outsourcing, personnel agency, wages distribution agency service and human resources management consulting, etc.
“Unpretentious and trustworthy, keep improving” is our core values. We provide customers with practical and reliable service, maintain the Company s reputation and ensure sustainable development. The requirements for employees are constantly practicing professional skills and personality, proactive and keep improving.
“ Improving the relations between employees and company owners to be more harmonious , and let the society be better” is our company’s vision.
“Dedicated to the field of human resources and build a human resources platform with credibility, warmth, soundness and with sustainable development " is the Company s mission.
"Providing one-stop solution for human resources services " is the Company s positioning.
Company Address: 10-2 ofTaixi Road,DongyingCity,
Fax: 0546-7169726
Online QQ: 1273812049
Email: zark98@163.com
More detailed information, please visit our website at www.50bm.cn or our blog at