This Product introduction of
foreign advanced technoIogy at a cost of indePendent research and deveIoPment
for many years, reach the same level of foreign Products performance, leading
the domestic simiIar ProductS. This product USES the heat permeabiIity materials
such as aluminum alloy, high strength stainless steeI as the main mate rials
refined but become. Product performance greatly improve-resistance to
deformation ability increased by more than 30%.dimension stability increased by
more than 30%.the fatigue lire increased by more than 20%.Douhie maximum power
transmission capacity, can run continuous high temperature,the highest working
temperature is 220℃ ,has the advantages of novel structure, design science,and
does not produce corona and reducing radio interference.good conductivity,high
grip conservation,environmental Protection,cost saving,
convenient construction, increase the labor efficiency, resistance to harsh
environment factors and a strong abiIity to resist natural disasters. Widely
aPPlicable to all kinds of voltage grade substation and distribution