SJ ZS型系列锥形双螺杆挤出机是一种适合于各类PVC粉料挤出成形的专用设备。配备不同模具及辅机可以生产各类PVC塑料管材、异型材、板材、片材、棒材及造粒。螺杆采用油冷却系统冷却。机筒采用特殊风冷却系统冷却。根据不同配方要求,配备合理螺杆.以达到最佳塑化效果。
SJ PS型系列平行双螺杆挤出机具有剪切力小的特点,特别适用于型材高速挤出,及大口径管材挤出。
SJZS series conical twin-screw extruder is one kind of special equipment that is suitable for the PVC powder extrusion molding.If equipped with different moulds and auxiliaries。it can produce all kinds of PVC plastic pipe,profile,board,sheet,rod and pelleting.The screw adopts oil cooling system.The barrel adopts special air-cooling system。
SJPS series parallel twin-screw extruder has the advantage of small shear force.It is specially suitable for the extrusion of profile and large caliber pipe.