ZRC series solid core liquid line filter drier using a high quality compression of small spherical particles sintered desiccant module, combined with high-density filter cloth ,to dry and the role of filter, that can effectively filter system residues of water and debris.
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●高溶解水份和去除酸的能力强 High moisture dissolution and acid removal ability
Drying and filtering effect of combining
Small spherical particles of high strength sintered desiccant module, to make run-time without shock and friction , reduce wear of the desiccant
ODF and SAE connections are available
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| 产品说明 Specifications |
| 高溶解水分和去除酸的能力强 50um的过滤网可在最小压力降下保持高效过滤 接头形式有焊接口和螺纹口 防腐漆保证500小时盐雾喷淋试验 最小破坏压力:17.5Mpa |
| 命名方式 | 例如:ZRC-302 | Nomenclature:For Example ZRC-302 | ZRC | 30 | 2 |
| Molecular Series | Unit Size (in cu. in. ) | Connection Size(in1/4" ) | S=ODF Connections(omit for SAE) |
| 尺寸数据 | Dimensional Data | 
| 型号 Description | 接管尺寸 Connection Size | 外形尺寸(mm)Dimensions | 焊接口 ODF | 螺纹口 SAE | A | B | C | ZRC-302 |
| 1/4 | 232 | 185 | 76 |
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